Saggis M+ ST+AOE Burstmacros mit Mal des Jägers 14.01.2024

servus und Danke dir mal dafür,
also darf ich Tempo nicht mehr als 30% haben richtig?? wie ist das mit Meisterschaft ?? und Krit??
Ach ich nutze eine Razer Mouse…habe da ms 50 eingestellt

i think he left cause he was charging money for his marcos . which i don’t understand cause hes useing a program he did not make to make money off of …

and Saggits great marco i use it daily

It’s Funny after all the Bullshit. You still Blindly accusing me of charging when others macro Creator Publicly call for Donations As Patron like ScaryLarry, Elfyau, and many others. “Program” that not mine? You Meant GSE? Any other macro creators using different programs to create macro? If Yes, please lets me know.

Stop your Trash talk and bad mouth Me!

Hi Gaupanda,
es ist schade das von dir hier keine Macros mehr eingespielt werden.
ich habe sehr lange mit deinen guten Macros gespielt.
Ich habe mir auch viel bei dir abgeschaut, da ich ja nun die Macros selber basteln muß.
Vielen dank dafür.

Zunächst möchte ich Ihnen danken, dass Sie mein Fan sind. Ich bin immer noch da … Es gibt hier zu viel Politik.

Best regards,

There are no others sir. and i think a lot of peoples main point is they didnt put their macros behind a donation wall, they just put their links in their posts and if people wanted to, they could support them. Now I have never checked your pateron or anything to see if thats what you do, just putting my thoughts out there.

What is donation wall? I never call people to donate for me publicly like other creator. “Donation Wall”, people acknowledging my good works and they donate on their will. I Never ask for anyone to pay. Other creators Post it Publicly. Give me a break… I’m Not going to debate with you about this Topic further. I don’t care whatever you think. Too Much Politics going on…

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Oh no, I wasn’t insulting you or anything. Was genuinely curious as that was what other people were saying. Regardless, macro creators like us are just here to provide others with content, who cares what others think. Keep doing what you do sir, you make great macros and it would be a shame to lose another creator here just because some douche bag user whines that they arent getting their way.

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yes, I am also in favor of Gaupanda continuing.
I’ve currently been sick for a year due to Post Covid and have time. The last two days I’ve only been working on the macros and haven’t gotten around to playing. Please Gaupanda carry on^^strong text

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You have to set the MS so that the kill command, death chakram, and wild animal’s wrath are executed at the beginning. 50ms seems too fast to me.

Danke für das Makro macht echt laune und macht gut dammage weiter so

I feel like AOE gets a bit slow, isn’t it as good as your previous version? Is that right?

even his previous versions i like better in single and aoe … maybe he can post both for us to test again ///

Hi, yes that’s right.
For me, the macros run differently every day at the moment.
Is somehow the worm in it.
Unfortunately, I don’t have the old versions anymore.
Who has them, please post it.

this macro is going quite well for me at the moment.You can change the order at the beginning of the macro as you like.




This macro contains 1 macro template. Diese Sequenz wurde aus GSE 3.1.53 exportiert.




This macro contains 1 macro template. Diese Sequenz wurde aus GSE 3.1.53 exportiert.

I would like to upload a video of my char with the maco on the target dummy. I just don’t know how .230DPS burst and 140-150 DPS at 2 min and above. Can anyone tell me how to upload this?

put in on youtube then link it

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Gaupa, dont expalain your self… you dont need and dont have too!!!

cool danke hoffe du machs das weiter nehme dein GSE gerne

Will the new version still be updated