ScaryLarryGames Demon Hunter Havoc Macro 5/17/2024



Usage Information

Macro Developed @150ms and Default CVar(400) > Individual Results may vary depending on Play style Equipment and Latency - If Spells are not Triggering then you are clicking to Fast.


v1: Solo | Raid | Mythic+:

[MOD:SHIFT] Eye Beam > Blade Dance
[MOD:SHIFT] Essence Break
[MOD:SHIFT] Glaive Tempest
[MOD:SHIFT] Sigil of Flame
[MOD:SHIFTALT] @Player,Metamorphosis
[MOD:CTRL,COMBAT] Vengeful Retreat > Fel Rush (Tap [MOD:ALT,COMBAT]** Fel Blade to get you are back on Target)


  • Racial:
    –/cast [combat] RACIANAMEL- Replace RACIALNAME > REMOVE the – before cast and Hit Save


  • Removed Trinket Lines as Many Trinkets have a USE: function not related to combat that will keep trying to fire while spamming macro



  • I don’t care how run the Macro
  • ALL Utilities are done with IN-GAME Macros and Keybinds - Listed on Next Post
  • If something is really Broke for you its probably a KeyBind you need to Clear!

If you want to contribution to my work please use the following links:

Contributions go towards my Game time, Character Boosts, and to keep me working on Macros! I don’t have free time like I used to so if you need specific things changed or want me to write a macro for a class/spec send me a message!.

SLG-GSE3 Macros Discord


Here Lists on my GSE3 Macros and IN-GAME Macros:

My WeakAuras Profile:


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More About this Macro: 2/16/2024

I’ve decided to go with a more interactive approach to my macros. The Update above reflects this idea.
I’m moving away from /click macros because they can be buggy and multiple/split macros just because I don’t think they are needed.

I’ve also changed the MS Speed I develop Macros at to 150ms which allows time for you to click a utility macro and have it actually go off

A few things are Fired off via [MODKEYS] because the game has changed in a way that if your spamming a macro and certain spells get queued they are taken out of queue if you hit another ability. Other Skills use [MODKEYS] because they are greatly diminished if you fire them in the wrong place or time. You will be hitting [MOD:SHIFT] during combat to fire off abilities that build resource when they damage mobs.

This macro is locked. If you need something specific please contact me privately and we can make arrangements to tailor the macro to your needs.



ScaryLarryGames Demon Hunter Havoc Macro 3/01/2024

  • Fixed a small issue where if you wanted to activate The Hunt with MOD:CTRLALT from out of combat the macro would Fel Rush you.


THIS is the way to play with GSE!
Great templates! Huge fun to play with. Perfect mix of automation and manual play by combining just three buttons (to put it briefly). Hats off!

I do have one question though. What do
/console autoUnshift 0
/console autoUnshift 1

I’ll definitely have a look at your other templates!
Hope the rogue follows soon. :slight_smile:

Cheers mate!

Honestly its a shifting form thing used in druid macros up until a few weeks ago. Without it FOR some reason Fel Blade doesn’t like to go off instantly.

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Update 4/13/2024:

Fixed a issue with Blizzard flagging an Error with SPELLNAME when the macro line didn’t include a known condition while the SPELLNAME was untalented.

  • [nochanneling,combat] SPELLNAME > caused error making the macro sluggish
  • [known:SPELLID,nochanneling,combat] SPELLNAME > Fixed error

Myself and TimothyLuke worked through the macro and this is now reported to Blizzard as a game bug because not ALL untalented spells need to have this condition of known to not cause an error.

  • Adjusted the Retreat Line and moved it to [MOD:CTRL]
  • Adjusted FELBLADE and Moved it to [MOD:ALT]



I am having difficulty getting Consume Magic to work properly. Despite removing the “-”, the ability still fails to trigger. I attempted to modify it by removing the “[nochanneling,combat]” parameter, which allowed the ability to work outside of combat. However, it no longer triggers again once I am in combat. Has anyone else encountered this issue?

I tried adding it to Elfyau’s sequence and the same issue occurred.

I performed this on a test dummy. Does it check while in combat if there is a buff to be removed?

thanks perfect macro , first time make nice damge 360k to 460
before always 150 to 200

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I’ll Look at it tomorrow and figure it out

Thank you! If it needs tweeked let me know please

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I have noticed that the damage is only 60-70% when compare to the sim data because the count of annihilation is only 5 when it should be 28 within 1 minute. This is a problem when it comes to ST. I am planning to make some tweaks to improve it, but if it’s possible, could you kindly take a look at it or create a second profile specifically for raids?

I’ll look at it this week been busy gearing my main toons

Okay, so I disabled Throw Glaive and reduced it to 100ms and I’m now getting 96% :slight_smile:

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Update 5/17/2024:

  • Cleaned Up Macro for better DPS
  • Removed Trinket Lines as Many Trinkets have a USE: function not related to combat that will keep trying to fire while spamming macro


heyas Scary! nice macros— what is the build you are using?

Using the Builds recommended by WoWhead - link is up top in the post.

Personally I use the LOWMOVER build(s) when I do play Demon Hunter.


thanks much for the info

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what, where do u find this build. LOWMOVER? is it import. ? can u post the build?

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