SCG-Single button Affliction Warlock level 80 version 11.0.5 update: 10/24/2024

Hey Leo, I appreciate your donation (been kind of busy lately with it being the holiday season in all). Getting kicked out simply for not having enough dps is kind of crummy move, especially if you’re doing everything else right.
AS far as dps goes, personally I think my Arcane mage setup gets a bit more dps than Frost mage, especially in encounters where you have to be more mobile (Frost seems to have a bit better survivability, while arcane gets detter dps from my experience). For other classes, I would have to go back and test what dps I’m able to get against the target dummies to see which class performs the best. In terms of favorites, Druid has been my main since I started WoW of which I have the most familiarity with the rotation of those classes. Other favorites of mine are currently BM Hunter, Demonology Warlock, Ret Paladin, Windwalkker Monk, and Frost Deathknight. Also, I believe it was my Fury Warrior where I was able to clear one of the easier T8 delves in under 9 minutes once with around a 597 iLevel gear.

Also, be aware, I don’t really do much (if any) end game group content, so it’s hard for me to really gage how well my macros perform in that type of environment.

Awesome, thanks for the fast reply! :slight_smile:

I will give it a try, i need some setup, to do at least HC raiding, that is my only endgame content i want to be in. I’m going arcance now and benchmark a little bit. If i am not satisfied i will try out windwalker, druid, ret palli and destro warlock. Read somewhere these are specs that are not so heavy proc based as the mage ones, so the GSE scripts work better!

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has the original post been updated for the changes im looking to try a warlock