SCG-Single Button Balance druid macro sets for level 80, patch 11.1, update: 3/1/2025

The biggest issues I have with using only gse in the current version is the command, reset=target, breaks /castsequence macros inside gse, and there’s no other way that I know of to guarantee that certain spells will always fire off first. What I’m doing as basically a workaround that gives the current gse version a closer feel to how it used to work. If you want to use only gse without the use of a WoW macro, I would recommend checking out one of the macro sets others have posted on this site that uses only GSE.

If there is a spell you feel should be in the rotation that I may have missed feel free to let me know which spell(s) you’re referring to, and I’ll look into it.

Thanks, also I just changed around the talents after some testing which should improve the dps of both ST and AOE.

Why are updates so frequent? I have followed the requirements but still get stuck
When there are usable accessories available, they will cause the owner to get stuck
Single attack will freeze energy
replace Sunfire

AOE attacks can cause CD jamming
replace Sunfire

The Extraordinary Alliance and another range selection skill will not be successfully released, only displaying a range cursor that disappears in an instant

At 21:15:22, September 2, 2024, I have found the reason why the CD of Sunfire skill is too long, so it will not be too laggy if the card owner changes to Star Surge or other spells


What is your pressing frequency?

The updates are due to finding issues/improvements to the effectivity of the macro set whether it be myself, or someones pointing out an issue. Once things are dialed in well, the updates will likely only be during big updates to the class behavion.

I had also noticed an issue with trinkets that require a location to be cast. The only way I know of to fix it is in gse/1/the 2 item blocks, in the 2 unit name text areas, add type ‘player’ in them. I tried cursor in the text area, but that breaks the macro. Only player works for some reason. The other option would be to delete the 2 item blocks and instead create a macro for them.

/use [@cursor] 13
/use[@cursor] 14

AS for sunfire expiring befor it gets recast, I may have created too many instances of wrath/starfire in the castsequence line. I’l go ahead and fix that. I also thought of an alternative method which will allow you to cast moonfire/sunfire on demand instead.

Thank you for the frequent updates, I am also a user of your Survival macro (so, double thanks).

With the upcoming nerf to Starfire, it seems that Keeper of the Grove hero spec is going to be prefered. Any chance you can suggest alternative macro/rotations for that spec, including caster treants in the macro.

Many thanks!

Thanks for the heads up about the up and coming talent changes. I’ll look into the effectiveness of force of nature once the new changes go into effect. Right now, I’m focused on getting my hunter leveled up. If you wanted to test it out earlier, it should be an easy matter of changing the talent from warrior of elune to force of nature, then going into gse and changing those spell blocks that have Warrion of Elune, and changing it to Force of Nature… Wait… I forgot to add warrior of elune into the gse rotation. Fixing it now.

Hmm… After adding it, the aoe macro works great with it, but it’s a bit trickier to implement with ST, but I think I got it working.

edit: I ran some sims with keeper of the grove and got this: which inprove st dps potential, at the cost of aoe potential.


If you wan to test it out, just replace the warrior of elune spell block with a force of nature spell block in the newest gse macro update.

Thank you for the hard work. Tried again with the latest GSE version. ST and HP still don’t work. Would you please check it?

Double check that you did this step:

I’ve turned it off. It’s very strange since your hunter’s macros work perfectly with me, both MM and Survival.

Hmm… Might you have disabled those macros at some point? As in, go into gse, click on the HP and ST macros, and check that the Disable Sequence toggle isn’t check marked. That’s the only other thing I can think of, especially since you didn’t say anything about the AOE sequence not working.

Many thanks for this.
A few ideas:

  • Replacing Warrior of Elune by Force of Nature does not really work as it requires either a @player or @cursor mod
  • Celestial Alignment struggles to cast. I see the green box on screen but it does not seem like the macro validates it (the spell on my bar does not go on CD)

Hello Thesairen, I found out what’s wrong - my WOW client language is Chinese. After translating the spell names in icon macros to Chinese, all problems’re solved. AOE is no longer casting some spells then standing there doing nothing. ST and HP also work perfectly. Thank you again.

To add on to that, out of those 2 options, using Force of Nature in a spell block in the way I have it, the only option that works is player. I suppose I forgot to add that as an instruction. If you’re going to try Force of Nature as a spell block, you have to put “Player” in the Unit Name text area. Putting Cursor instead breaks the macro. Unfortunately, that will make Force of Nature slightly less effective than if you were able to spawn the trees on top of the enemy, so we’ll see. Hopefully.

Hmm… Oh, Ok. I see where the issue is. It’s the orbital Strike talent. It changes celestial alignment to ask you for a mouse input before it will fire off, basically rendering that talent unusable inside gse unless you’re holding your mouse button down when gse tries to fire it off. Unfortunately, Greater alignment instead results in a slight drop in simmed dps, but at least celestial alignment is usable with that talent.

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good good very good!
the new version is almost perfect!

Hello there. First time using gse/macros. I think i’ve imported everything correctly, the macros work fine (I think). I wanted to ask about the talent points though, when I import the talents, from this website it’s different to the talent points that I import from the sequences tab on gse. Which talent build are the macros supposed to work with? Also, is there a macro that I could use for mobs that won’t use cds? for like, lvling or trash mobs etc?

I forgot to update the talent sequence within the gse tab, so the one showing on this site is the most updated version (the one I currently use on my balance druid)

Thank you very much for the reply!

What are you all averaging on DPS with this macro? I’m averaging around 105k DPS with a 526 gear score.

Gear score is 566 and with the macro I get about 320k DPS and if I manually do my rotation I do about 405k off of a 3 minute parse.

Thanks for the info. I’m curious though about which of the WoW macro options you used and how it compares to the other WoW macro option you didn’t test. (hope that makes sense). Also, here’s a third option that would be doable:

/cast [noform:4] Moonkin Form
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/castsequence reset=target Moonfire, Sunfire,null
/cast [mod:ctrl] Moonfire
/cast [mod:shift] Sunfire
/click [nochanneling] SCG_BALANCE_ST
/castsequence [nochanneling] wrath,wrath,starfire