SCG-Single button Demonology Warlock level 80 version 11.0.2 update: 10/1/2024

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Update 10/1: I decided to swap around shadow bold and hand of guldan in order to have more consistent uptime in the rotation.

By having spells in the wow macro, before or after the /click command to trigger GSE, it is possible to get gse to function similar to how it used to (albeit with some added limitations within GSE).


  1. go to GSE options - TroubleShooting - turn off ActionButtonUseKeyDown, otherwise gse macro won’t fire off using this macro set.


  1. BROKEN MACRO error on Different spec:
    click on gse/MACRO_NAME/Disable Sequence/save
  2. BROKEN MACRO error same spec:
    Click on gse/MACRO_NAME/tab:‘1’/ search for and disable all spell blocks containing a spell you don’t know/save


open the talent tree and import the following if you want to use the same talents as me:

  1. copy the following macro, paste it in game as a new macro, and drag the icon to the cast bar to be spammed there.
/cast [nopet,combat] Fel Domination
/cast [nopet,nomounted] Summon Felguard
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [mod:ctrl] Implosion
/cast [mod:shift] Demonbolt
/click [nochanneling] SCG_DEM
/cast [nochanneling] Shadow Bolt

usage: press and hold ctrl until you cast Implosion for AOE situations. For Demonbolt, when the demonbolt icon highlights indicating you can cast it instantly, press and hold shift to cast it.

  1. import the following code into gse, but do not keybind it.

this one worked like a charm, best one so far and playing diabolist and having a blast :slight_smile: will test it out even more in hc dungs and ill let u know the progress

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question. how would we use this if we cant drag it to our usual keybind?

this keep popping up.

I’m not too clear on what your asking but I’ll give a shot at answering it. I use it much like how GSE used to work: drag the WoW macro to the action bar, keybind that button to to which ever key you want to spam (EG ‘3’), then program one of your mouse buttons to spam that keybind when held down (EG ‘3’). Finally, when the WoW macro gets spammed, the line that is /click [nochanneling] SCG_DEM will call the gse macro part of this to fire off. I would also recommend using a different key to spam this than what you usually use to keybind other gse macros that don’t use a WoW macro to /click it to insure the key on the action bar doesn’t get erased.

That error happens when the gse macro contains a spell you don’t know (biggest drawback of using this method of using the WoW macro of /click in order to use GSE). Best way to clear it out is to either make sure you know all the same spells that show up in the gse macro, go into gse and disable any spell blocks you don’t know and click save, or if you happen to be of a different spec as the macro, then disable that macro all together and click save until you spec back into demonology.

Thank you for all that info. It helps.

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So I started using this earlier today and it seemed to be working fine. Then, for some reason, it started only spamming Shadowbolts. It seems like the /click [nochanneling] SCG_DEM isn’t working.

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Solved the issue by going to GSE—>Troubleshooting-----> clear spell cache and make sure the ActionButtonUseKeyDown is not ticked

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Same for me. its only spamming Shadowbolt.


Thank you, i was impressed with you main macro.
I have a simular setup with other characters/classes posted here.
I changed a few things based on my personal style (soul strike is auto cast by the pet itself for instance so i removed that, added some pvp stuff and moved some skills around for different prio what to cast more etc.) but i mainly wasn’t happy with Shadow Bolt in the main macro. Could be me but i found it not being cast enough when i needed soul shards, so i moved Shadow Bolt to the sequence itself.
If you want i can post my version but besides that nice work, love it.

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Thanks. I actually did the same sort of thing to what you mentioned in a different class regarding the shadow bolt equivalent, and it seemed to work out better that way. Anyway, you’re more than welcome to share what you came up with.

Hello, ty for the rotation! I am noticing 2 issues though. 1. the hand of guldan fires very frequent (even when only 1soul shard up) 2. summon charhound seems to get skipped over a bit and not summoned often at all. Any thoughts on this?

Thanks for your input. I admit I was also not quite satisfied with how often hand of guldan fires off, so it might be worth it for me to get back on my warlock once I have some free time to see if I can come up with an improvement (I have a few ideas I may try, including something like what Dwarfvader mentioned so we’ll see.)

edit: Alright I figured something out that I think works a lot better, and is more versatile. Basically I swapped shadow bolt and Hand of Guldan with each other, and I also added an extra instance of summon charhound and summon dreadstalkers. This change gives me the ability to offer 2 WoW macro options. One where Hand of Guldan is at the end (where shadow bolt was) and one where hand of guldan is locked behind a modifier, like implosion and demonbolt.

Personally between testing out those 2 WoW macro options, I was able to get quite a bit better dps with hand of guldan at the end (where shadow bolt was), even with it occasionally casting at an inopportune time, than I was able to get trying to cast it manually by pressing alt. Anyway, let me know what you think.


Usage Information

Main macro (which calls the DEMO sequence) below.
Thanks to Thesairen for his base setup, you can see this sequence as a variant of his template.

/cast [nopet,nomounted] Summon Felguard
/targetenemy [noexists] [noharm] [dead]
/cast [mod:shift] Summon Demonic Tyrant
/cast [mod:ctrl] Implosion
/cast [mod:alt, nochanneling] Demonbolt
/click [nochanneling] DEMO
/use 14

Talents (Both Soul Harvester and Diabolist work fine but i like Soul Harvester a bit more atm):

This macro contains 1 macro template. This Sequence was exported from GSE 3.2.13-a.

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@Thesairen Love all of your macros. Great template!
@Dwarfvader This macro is pumping for me. Demonic Tyrant is in the main macro at block 2.6, you have on modifier just in case or should I disable that block.


Leave it. I used to have it as a modifier but isnt needed anymore.
I changed my click macro to this one below now, mostly the same as Thesairen, modifiers are mostly personal preference to control when to force cast something. Only the alt modifier is required/mandatory.

/cast [nopet,combat] Fel Domination
/cast [nopet,nomounted] Summon Felguard
/targetenemy [noexists] [noharm] [dead]
/cast [mod:shift] Implosion
/cast [mod:alt, nochanneling] Demonbolt
/click [nochanneling] DEMO
/use 14

Thank you for the reply! Working great!

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Thank you! I’m using yours and it works quite well. 2 questions:

  1. How could I remove Summon Demonic Tyrant from the main rotation of the macro? It seems to cast it whenever, and I’d like to be able to press my own button for it when I have more imps out.
  2. I get this LUA error fairly frequently. Any idea what it would be caused by? → Message: Interface/AddOns/GSE/API/Storage.lua:523: attempt to index local ‘spellinfo’ (a nil value)
    Time: Fri Sep 20 09:55:03 2024
    Count: 7
    Stack: Interface/AddOns/GSE/API/Storage.lua:523: attempt to index local ‘spellinfo’ (a nil value)
    [string “@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_FrameXML/Mainline/SecureTemplates.lua”]:723: in function SecureActionButton_OnClick' [string "@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_ActionBar/Mainline/ActionButton.lua"]:100: in function TryUseActionButton’
    [string “@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_ActionBar/Mainline/ActionButton.lua”]:148: in function `ActionButtonUp’
    [string “ACTIONBUTTON6”]:4: in function <[string “ACTIONBUTTON6”]:1>

Locals: self = ActionButton6 {
FlyoutArrowContainer = Frame {
showButtonArt = true
stateDirty = true
icon = ActionButton6Icon {
SlotArt = Texture {
needsUpdate = true
bar = MainMenuBar {
HotKey = ActionButton6HotKey {
HighlightTexture = Texture {
CooldownFlash = Frame {
IconMask = MaskTexture {
SpellHighlightAnim = AnimationGroup {
flashDirty = true
TargetReticleAnimFrame = Frame {
commandName = “ACTIONBUTTON6”
index = 6
container = MainMenuBarButtonContainer6 {
bindingAction = “ACTIONBUTTON6”
feedback_action = 6
Border = ActionButton6Border {
Flash = ActionButton6Flash {
FlyoutBorderShadow = ActionButton6FlyoutBorderShadow {
QuickKeybindHighlightTexture = Texture {
flashing = 0
flashtime = 0
CheckedTexture = Texture {
PushedTexture = Texture {
NormalTexture = ActionButton6NormalTexture {
AutoCastOverlay = Frame {
Count = ActionButton6Count {
TextOverlayContainer = Frame {
LevelLinkLockIcon = Texture {
NewActionTexture = Texture {
Name = ActionButton6Name {
action = 6
SpellActivationAlert = Frame {
eventsRegistered = true
SpellCastAnimFrame = Frame {
InterruptDisplay = Frame {
SpellHighlightTexture = Texture {
SlotBackground = Texture {
cooldown = ActionButton6Cooldown {
inputButton = “LeftButton”
down = false
isKeyPress = true
isSecureAction = true
isSecureMousePress = false
pressAndHoldAction = false
useOnKeyDown = false
clickAction = true
releasePressAndHoldAction = false
treatAsKeyPress = false

I’m wondering if this is coming from the “Call Observer” Spell in the DEMO main sequence? That seems to be a pvp talent, so likely not able to find it in a dungeon?

Hi, ty.
The first question. In the sequence, when you open the sequence, you can disable or remove Tyrant, then save.
The second question, not sure sorry, try to delete it or choose the talent. Or try to remove and reimport the sequence.

Basically what Dwarf said. If these steps don’t work, and you’re still getting errors while others aren’t, I recommend checking out the troubleshooting section.