SCG-Single button Destruction Warlock level 80 version 11.0.2 update: 10/4/2024/

If you like my macros, and want to provide me with some financial incentive to keep this and other macros updated, you can do so here: Paypal

update: 10/4/24: I decided to swap around a few talents in order to get this macro to fire off more consistently. As a result, now the only difference between the ST and AOE builds is within the WoW macro side.

This setup is primarily set up for the hellcaller hero talent, but it is also usable if you want to switch to diabolist, though I would recommend separate wow macro with the spell wither removed, and to also go into gse macro name/ ‘1’/ and find and disable the Malevolence spell then click save to avoid lua errors. (it should fire off if you don’t do this but might be helpful anyway)

By having spells in the wow macro, before or after the /click command to trigger GSE, it is possible to get gse to function similar to how it used to (albeit with some added limitations within GSE).

This setup has 2 separate gse and WoW macros between single target and aoe rotations. Primarily the AOE set removes one of the spenders that only benefits from single target encounters in order for you to be able to cast rain of fire more often.


  1. go to GSE options - TroubleShooting - turn off ActionButtonUseKeyDown, otherwise gse macro won’t fire off using this macro set.


  1. BROKEN MACRO error on Different spec: gse - MACRO_NAME - Disable Sequence - save
  2. BROKEN MACRO error same spec: GSE-MACRO_NAME - tab:‘1’ - disable all spell blocks containing a spell you don’t know - save


open the talent tree and import the following if you want to use the same talents as me:



  1. copy the following macro, paste it in game as a new macro, and drag the icon to the cast bar to be spammed there.
/cast [nopet,nomounted] Summon Imp
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=shift,target Wither,null
/cast [mod:ctrl] Chaos Bolt
/click [nochanneling] SCG_DES
/cast [nochanneling] Chaos Bolt

usage: tap shift or switch to a different target to cast wither. Also, press ctrl if you want to force Chaos bolt to fire off right away.


  1. copy the following macro, paste it in game as a new macro, and drag the icon to the cast bar to be spammed there.
/cast [nopet,nomounted] Summon Imp
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=shift,target Wither,null
/cast [mod:ctrl,@cursor] Rain of Fire
/click [nochanneling] SCG_DES
/cast [nochanneling,@cursor] Rain of Fire

usage: tap shift or switch to a different target to cast wither. Also, make sure to aim your cursor for firing this macro in order to get rain of fire to fire off where you want it to.

  1. import the following code into gse, but do not keybind it.

Love your macros!
Any Ret Pally in the future?

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Are the ST and aOE the same?

Thanks. Unfortunately, it might be a bit before I’m able to do a pally one anytime soon as I’ve never really taken the time to level one up very far. (only level 22 right now)

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Thanks for the macro! Working really well so far.

The difference between the 2 GSE macros is I removed one of the single target spender spells from the rotation within SCG_DES_AOE to allow you to cast rain of fire more often.

Thanks, macro is useful, It’s perfect for a lazy person like me.

1 Like

Update: Since people have kindly donated enough money to me for a level 70 boost I decided to use it on a ret paladin in order to create a macro set for it found here: SCG_RET_PALLY

Hello, I just bound DESTRO_AOE to my mouse wheel and kept rolling it. The opener is okay, but after using my trinket, nothing happens. I created the two macros for ST and AOE, but I never press them because I don’t need to do that on my other character. So, I wonder why it stops working with the Destro AOE. All my macros are bound to the mouse wheel for AOE and Ctrl + mouse wheel, and I have zero issues otherwise.

Unlike most other macros posted here, I don’t bind my gse macros to anything. I use WoW macros to call the paired gse macros with the /click MACRO_NAME command instead, then drag the buttons to the cast bar to fire off. Similar to how GSE used to work. If you’re only binding and using the gse macros, you’re missing the main part of what makes my macros work, specifically those spells that only show up in the WoW macros.

Your macros are my fav! Unfortunately the ST for this gives me a whole bunch of errors, something about SEQUENCEDBUGGED and idk how to copy and paste the actual error message lol. Kinda confused cause everything looks good in the macro itself

If you have macros loaded up for different specs in addition to this one, you might try disabling those to see if the error goes away. However, that usually throws a broken macro error (indicating gse is trying to load up a spell you don’t actually know), but this is the first I’ve heard of a SEQUENCEDBUGGED error. Might try posting (or checking) in the troubleshooting section of this site to see if there’s some info about it there (assuming disabling any macros you aren’t currently using doesn’t work).

GSE/API/Storage.lua:523: attempt to index local 'spellinfo' (a nil value)
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@Blizzard_FrameXML/RestrictedFrames.lua"]:674: in function <Blizzard_FrameXML/RestrictedFrames.lua:673>
[string "@Blizzard_FrameXML/RestrictedFrames.lua"]:812: in function `CallMethod'
[string "    local mods = "RALT=" .. tostring(IsRightAltKeyDown()) .. "|" ..
    "LALT=".. tostring(IsLeftAltKeyDown()) .. "|" ..
    "AALT=" .. tostring(IsAltKeyDown()) .. "|" ..
    "RCTRL=" .. tostring(IsRightControlKeyDown()) .. "|" ..
    "LCTRL=" .. tostring(IsLeftControlKeyDown()) .. "|" ..
    "ACTRL=" .. tostring(IsControlKeyDown()) .. "|" ..
    "RSHIFT=" .. tostring(IsRightShiftKeyDown()) .. "|" ..
    "LSHIFT=" .. tostring(IsLeftShiftKeyDown()) .. "|" ..
    "ASHIFT=" .. tostring(IsShiftKeyDown()) .. "|" ..
    "AMOD=" .. tostring(IsModifierKeyDown()) .. "|" ..
    "MOUSEBUTTON=" .. GetMouseButtonClicked()
    self:SetAttribute('localmods', mods)
    local step = self:GetAttribute('step')
    step = tonumber(step)
    if self:GetAttribute('stepped') then
        self:SetAttribute('stepped', false)
        for k,v in pairs(spelllist[step]) do
            if k == "macrotext" then
                self:SetAttribute("macro", nil )
                self:SetAttribute("unit", nil )
            elseif k == "macro" then
                self:SetAttribute("macrotext", nil )
                self:SetAttribute("unit", nil )
            self:SetAttribute(k, v )

        step = step % #spelllist + 1
        self:SetAttribute('stepped', true)
        self:SetAttribute('step', step)
    "]:32: in function <[string "    local mods = "RALT=" .. tostring(IsRigh..."]:1>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@Blizzard_FrameXML/RestrictedExecution.lua"]:483: in function <...aceBlizzard_FrameXML/RestrictedExecution.lua:446>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "@Blizzard_FrameXML/SecureHandlers.lua"]:285: in function <Blizzard_FrameXML/SecureHandlers.lua:279>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: in function `Click'
[string "=[C]"]: in function `ChatEdit_SendText'
[string "@Blizzard_ChatFrameBase/Mainline/ChatFrame.lua"]:3308: in function <Blizzard_ChatFrameBase/Mainline/ChatFrame.lua:3302>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `UseAction'
[string "@Blizzard_FrameXML/Mainline/SecureTemplates.lua"]:342: in function `handler'
[string "@Blizzard_FrameXML/Mainline/SecureTemplates.lua"]:667: in function <...ddOns/Blizzard_FrameXML/Mainline/SecureTemplates.lua:649>
[string "@Blizzard_FrameXML/Mainline/SecureTemplates.lua"]:681: in function <...ddOns/Blizzard_FrameXML/Mainline/SecureTemplates.lua:674>
[string "@Blizzard_FrameXML/Mainline/SecureTemplates.lua"]:723: in function `SecureActionButton_OnClick'
[string "@Blizzard_ActionBar/Mainline/ActionButton.lua"]:100: in function `TryUseActionButton'
[string "@Blizzard_ActionBar/Mainline/ActionButton.lua"]:148: in function `ActionButtonUp'
[string "ACTIONBUTTON1"]:4: in function <[string "ACTIONBUTTON1"]:1>


I am getting this Error and it is driving me Crazy

Message: Interface/AddOns/GSE/API/Storage.lua:523: attempt to index local ‘spellinfo’ (a nil value)
Time: Sun Sep 22 14:50:20 2024
Count: 8
Stack: Interface/AddOns/GSE/API/Storage.lua:523: attempt to index local ‘spellinfo’ (a nil value)
[string “@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_FrameXML/Mainline/SecureTemplates.lua”]:723: in function SecureActionButton_OnClick' [string "@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_ActionBar/Mainline/ActionButton.lua"]:100: in function TryUseActionButton’
[string “@Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_ActionBar/Mainline/ActionButton.lua”]:148: in function `ActionButtonUp’
[string “ACTIONBUTTON1”]:4: in function <[string “ACTIONBUTTON1”]:1>

Locals: self = ActionButton1 {
FlyoutArrowContainer = Frame {
showButtonArt = true
icon = ActionButton1Icon {
SlotArt = Texture {
bar = MainMenuBar {
HotKey = ActionButton1HotKey {
HighlightTexture = Texture {
CooldownFlash = Frame {
IconMask = MaskTexture {
SpellHighlightAnim = AnimationGroup {
TargetReticleAnimFrame = Frame {
commandName = “ACTIONBUTTON1”
index = 1
container = MainMenuBarButtonContainer1 {
bindingAction = “ACTIONBUTTON1”
feedback_action = 1
Border = ActionButton1Border {
Flash = ActionButton1Flash {
FlyoutBorderShadow = ActionButton1FlyoutBorderShadow {
QuickKeybindHighlightTexture = Texture {
flashing = 0
flashtime = 0
CheckedTexture = Texture {
PushedTexture = Texture {
NormalTexture = ActionButton1NormalTexture {
AutoCastOverlay = Frame {
Count = ActionButton1Count {
TextOverlayContainer = Frame {
LevelLinkLockIcon = Texture {
NewActionTexture = Texture {
Name = ActionButton1Name {
action = 1
eventsRegistered = true
SpellCastAnimFrame = Frame {
InterruptDisplay = Frame {
SpellHighlightTexture = Texture {
SlotBackground = Texture {
cooldown = ActionButton1Cooldown {
inputButton = “LeftButton”
down = false
isKeyPress = true
isSecureAction = true
isSecureMousePress = false
pressAndHoldAction = false
useOnKeyDown = false
clickAction = true
releasePressAndHoldAction = false
treatAsKeyPress = false

I littlerally just posted troubleshooting steps to try. It is also posted on the main post :stuck_out_tongue:

2 other things: get the bugGrabber, and BugSack addons to make any errors you happen to get less intrusive. Also, if the above steps don’t work, you’d be better off posting the errors in the troubleshooting section of this site in the hopes of the developer being able to come up with a better solution to these errors that stem from not knowing all the spells that are entered in the gse spell blocks.

Sorry, did not even notice that post :slight_smile: , Im gonna go through it all and see what I can figure out :slight_smile:

The AOE sequence will not import into GSE no matter what I do. I copy paste import, but it does’t actually show up.

It imports fine for me. Check to make sure you have the most updated version of GSE, and you might have to /reload the game if you don’t see it show up right away.


Love it but there are some breaks sometimes and nothing happens then, what im doing wrong?
I spam and spam the button but the macro doesn’t do anything

@Thesairen Possible to make Diabloist version for doing M+ and raiding experience and open world ?