SCG-Single button Destruction Warlock level 80 version 11.1 update: 3/1/25

It looks like the only thing you would have to do to get diabolist to work with the macro set would be to go to GSE-MACRO_NAME - tab:‘1’, find and disable the malevolence spell, and click save.

edit: actually, after testing it out, it looks like you can switch between the 2 hero talent setups without having to make any changes to the macro set, though it does look like I may have to make some tweaks to this to see if I can get it to fire off more consistently without causing occasional pausing.

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If you can that would awesome dude <3 cause love destruction alot and also do like your affliction as well so ill cannot wait for more updates keep us posted <3

Just made an update to the macro set which should flow more smoothly. I also did test this using the diabolist hero talent, and it does work well but will throw lua errors if you don’t remove/disable the spells, Wither, and Malevolence, that are unique to Hellcaller. From what I just simmed, Hellcaller does a little better dps in AOE, while Diabolist does a little better dps in ST.

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Any talent changes for Diablost @Thesairen ?

I personally didn’t make any changes to other talents when I tested it, dut you’re welcome to check out wowhead to see what talents they recommend.

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/cast [nopet,nomounted] Summon Imp
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [mod:ctrl] Chaos Bolt
/click [nochanneling] SCG_DES
/cast [nochanneling] Chaos Bolt

Something like this ?

totally new this…got everything installed and is working. My questions is about AOE and RoF with Destro-HC build. It looks like the RoF falls on my location. Is this correct? If so, how do I make the RoF target the mobs/boss without having to be in melee range?

Ya, that should work fine.

go to game menu/options/combat and make sure your self cast key is not ctrl. I personally have self cast on auto with the self cast key greyed out and showing ‘custom’. achievable by setting self cast to none, then back to auto.

i have that exact set up. Again, Im new. but RoF effect just seems to follow me. Just curious as to how this is supposed to work.

Normally the command: /cast [mod:ctrl,@cursor] Rain of Fire should be firing at wherever your cursor is at. As in, hover your cursor over the enemies, then press ctrl plus the spam button should have rain of fire fire off on top of the enemies, where your cursor is at. If it’s casting on top of yourself instead, then the only thing I know of that would cause that is the the self cast button is showing ctrl instead of custom, regardless of whether or not that options is greyed out.

Ah. I understand. Its on my end. Cursor stuff. Thanks.

also do you have one for Destro-Diab? I cant seem to find it.

I am using raid version from wowhead and been doing T8 Delves with NO issues <3

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is that reply meant for me? Do you have a link to any Destro-Diabolist GSE setup?

Hi, thanks for your work! Im new to gse and lazymacros. Do you know if there’s a way to split the sequence in two, so I have one button for the Rotation without cooldowns and another one for cooldowns (burst phases)?

Thanks in advance!

If you would like to customize this macro set, and move any cooldowns you want to a separate macro set, your more than welcome to. Here’s a good video that should help you know what to do customize/create your own simple macros. As to access the new macro using my method, use the WoW macro line: /click MACRO_NAME. (replace MACRO_NAME) with the name of the new gse macro.

you should be able to change your hero talents to Diabolist, and still use this same macro set without any issues since everything in the diabolist tree are passive skills. While removing/disabling those couple skills unique to Soul Harvester may prevent the macro set from throwing an error, everything else should still fire off no problem if you don’t.

Also here’s a video that will help you know how to make your own changes to this set should you desire to do so.

So this is for ST for Diabliost but has few skills needed to be added to macro/gse CsQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAmZmZmZEzihxsZmZYWmFzwMzsY2MWMzAAAAAzMDLzMzMgxMGWgB2GWoxCGAAAAAAAjZmZAA

Thank you so much for mentioning bugGrabber and BugSack. They are amazing.

Not sure what’s going on. But macro is amazing and does a lot of DPS. However, once it’s gone through the sequence it just stops casting. Once I stop the macro and start it again, it will start over, and then stop again. it’s like it doesn’t know what to cast next.

Ok good. So even with yours saying “wither” and me now using “immolate”. it still works? Thats the only change/difference I see