SCG-Single button elemental shaman level 80 version 11.1 update: 3/1/25

This method only works when gse doesn’t include any macro blocks. (WoW devs disabled the ability to use a macro to call another macro in War Within.) You also have to make sure you know all the spells that show up inside the gse spell blocks to avoid getting spammed with a “broken macro error”

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What does the cast sequence line do? Can we remove that? /castsequence [nochanneling] reset=combat Frost Shock,null

That line guarantees that you will cast frost shock first when entering combat then it will proceed to the rest of the macro set. It’s nice to have when doing openworld content/delves as it slows and sometimes freezes your target, but probably won’t benefit you much in group content, and thus can be removed without hurting your dps any if you wish.

do i need my mouse cursor on enemies for AOE? or does it auto target AOE?

For this version, you don’t have to worry about where you point your mouse. That is only for if you see an @cursor command on one of the spell macros that want you to click a location to cast it.

anything we have to press manually in terms of cooldowns?

Oh, and when i press shit its cancele the sequence but not casts lava burst for me.

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The macros I make are designed to cast offensive cooldowns automatically as available for ease of use since my main focus for these are not designed for the most challenging end game aspects of this game.

For macros, check to make sure that key combo isn’t being bound by something else as keybinds take precedence over modifiers.

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Thanks for clarification!

Seems like Earth Shock never cast.

Frost shock works then shift and ctrl works but after that only cast lighting bolt.

The ST macro doesn’t seem to be working for me, Im level 80 with hero talents, I made the macro as instructed, I put it on my bar to spam it, I imported the GSE code and did not bind it. When I am in ST I only cast Frost Shock repeatedly


  1. go to GSE options - TroubleShooting - turn off ActionButtonUseKeyDown, otherwise gse macro won’t fire off using this macro set.

I would double sheck that this line is correct: /castsequence [nochanneling] reset=combat Frost Shock,null
Hmm… If that doesn’t work, here is an alternative you could try in place of the castsequence line which should function the same as intended “/cast [nocombat] Frost Shock”

So that fixed the issue for the macro to kick off. But it seems like it studders. It cast frost shock but after that it seems like it does nothing else when I click until after a few clicks and then finally lightning bolt cast. By that time the enemy is already in melee range before I cast the first lightning bolt.

I’m not using Frost Shock in my build. Shouldn’t /castsequence [nochanneling] reset=combat Frost Shock,null be different? Here’s my talent build.


You’re welcome to remove thee frost shock line from the macro if you want. The only alternative to frost shock I believe is flame shock, but that spell can’t really be used in that way very well due to its 6 second cooldown sometimes causing no other spells being able to be cast if the macro is trying to cast flame shock while it’s still on cooldown.

I’m not sure what your method of clicking is, but I personally use a programmable mouse that is set to “click” the macro at a speed of around 150 ms when I hold down the the appropriate mouse button.

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o meu também não dispara, mesmo com o ActionButtonUseKeyDown desativado =/, ele so casta os burst, mas nao dispara as magias

@Thesairen can this be used for pvp purpose?

I’m sure it would work fine in PVP so long as you’re aware that I didn’t include any pvp specific skills in the rotation, as I tend to focus more on open world and the more casual aspects of PVE when I play.

Is there any way to change smth in the rotation to be for pvp? Im playing Lava burst spec ( Farseer ) but I see that alot of players are using Stormbringer for that Lighting strikes/Bolt insanse dmg burst

Ya, you should be able to switch between hero talents without causing any issues for the gse macro set. It’s only if you were to add or remove a talent that has a castable skill where you would have to make an adjustment within gse (or in the wow macro) as appropriate.

How would you adjust the macro if putting Thunderstrike Ward back in as a talent? I’ve been seeing Thunderstrike as a preferred build choice a good bit.