SCG-Single button Fire Mage level 80 11.1 update: 3/2/25

first double check this:

Otherwise, if gse is throwing errors before you try to cast any spells, it’s possible one of the outdated macros is causing issues and may have to be deleted for this to work. (I ran into this issue on my hunter and warrior, but not mage so I’m not sure)

Thats already off, and no errors coming up

I might have shared the wrong gse code for this. It should be good now, so try importing it again.

Do you have a video on how to set this up and what the rotation should look like? I’m only getting 650k DPS on training dummies and I’m ilvl 639.

It’s quite likely you did set it up correctly as even for me, while I get decent burst damage to start off with the dps drops off pretty quick, which feel bad. In fact, even the sim results I do gives me a significantly worse dps result than what I get when doing frost or arcane instead.

May I please ask what the benefit is to adding the macro to the hotbar rather then other macros that do not require this? I have been using Elfy’s and its good, but looking for something new. Would you also suggest this for the raid? Thank you advance

Simply put, it’s personal preference, and the goal of my macros is to be easy to use/adjust if need be over trying to squeak out as much dps as possible. As for it’s effectiveness compared to what Elfy, and most others do, I’d say it’s highly dependent on how the class itself is designed to play, along with your individual play style.

Af far as raiding goes, I would recommend trying frost or arcane over fire mage at the moment, at least as far as my macros go, as both of those gets quite a bit better dps than what I’m able to get on my fire mage macro.

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Thank you for the detailed response. Have a good one!

Sorry if I’m disturbing you but could you maybe make an alternative no mod option like you did for the rogue?

→ Edit: Oh, i just saw that Blackshoeswhitesocks already said it

Yo, this works good for me. Thank you. im new actualy and dont know what exactly shift,alt and ctrl do. I think ctrl is working very good aeo dmg but its already pyroblast ? why should i press shift =)) sorry for noobic question

why is frostbolt in there

GSE automatically changes the name of spells to their base name when you add them to a spell block, so when it says frostbolt, you’re actually casting the fire mage version of that spell.