Shadow Priest DF Pre Patch (Updated 02/25/23)

You are a star. Thank you so much

Np, Glad to hear the macro is running good for you.

is the macro still working ?

Yes, It’s seems to be working fine or me.

ok i just want to say this is litterally the best shadow macreo out of all on here atm nice job man heck yea

Thank you I’m glad it’s working good for you.

Something I’m curious about (The macros working great, my guy is 67 now)… When we start to channel a spell if I just keep holding the button it cancels it early. Is it better to let the whole thing channel, or just keep the button pressed even though the entire thing is not finishing?

which macro is the most UTD? theres only 1 macro in main post but in replies theres an aoe and ST one

They both are up to date.

Is there an updated Talent Tree? It says “The loadout you are trying is out of date.”


Just to update folks, for me, this macro is still the best SP macro there is. I have tried almost all of the “current” macros and none work like this.
I use the latest IcyVeins “easy mode” talents, and get within 90-95% of my simmed dps on the Valdrakken dummies.
Really, really nice work!

Glad to hear the macro is working great for you.

cant see mind seer on any macro did i miss it?

this macro still working?

has anyone got an updated taslents to keep this macro strong