First of all, thank you for making a good macro
I brought up GSE Sequins and after that it won’t work even if I put it in the key binding and press the key, sorry but can you explain how to run it in more detail?
Nah @shirowi i don’t have anything else out yet
@dldnjseh007 Like I mentioned a few posts back, you need to watch Oak’s video that is detailed. Jus scroll down to the bottom of any page here on this site and it will be there.
hello, i have a question will you also make a GSE for Raid or will it stay with M+
Niiiiceee!!! Hahahaha
Not sure either, I stopped playing sham for a few days, re-imported and working like a charm now !
Well I don’t do raids to be honest so I cant really make a sequence specifically for raids. But I am guessing its not too different on this class. Maybe a few talent changes at the most but over all should be the same rotation
The WW is up boys!!
Use it and me know how it goes!
Updated Sequence in the OP.
Seems like the new one is giving more dps. Please test and let me know.
DPS jumped big time on this new sequence!
From 2.7m to 3m
its def. pumping ! I got crap gear and get a m+ damage on the dummies.
Try it in a M+ or Heroic dungeon and let me know how it goes!
So i have 599 il and on emperor dragan in the imperial seat, i did 650k. Its just pumping like crazy. The weak aura are also very usefull!
@MooShaman Glad you liked it buddy!
Just switched to enhance to try out your macro! Out of curiosity when should I hold ALT vs CTRL? or is it just hold it when we have the procs? Looking forward to pushing M= with your macro!
something is wrong, it doesn’t use all my skills and sometimes I write that I didn’t know the skills e
now work must reset game but anywai idk how you do that crazy dmg bc i can do max 2.5 on 3 min fight on trainers witch this
Well you cast your proc manually and it does it… you just spam the macro in the mean time…
This new one seems to be skipping Doom Winds and trinkets
@Bbqdogking89 Read the comments above and understand the rotation. This class isn’t as simple as a ret/hdh/furry class its much more than that.
Some conditions like - Use tempest only at 10 stacks of Maelstrom, 2x Chain lightings after a tempest is buffed so ideally you would want to cast tempest>CL>CL when ever you can
On Ascendance make sure Tempest is used only after 2 procs of Windstrike
There are a few more discussed here so you need to use all that while your doing DPS to get the max out of your class.
@Jackob Check your MS it might be too fast. lower it a bit. Damage output on this class is very proc dependent. Its not straight forward. You got to run multiple tests to check your average output. play around with the MS and see what is best for you.
@Aegyo Oh yea I use trinks when I pop ascendance using a macro I will post it here and update the OP.
Also doom winds seems to be working just fine for me. I just ran a test run w/o using spendiners much to check if skills are popping off correctly and works great!
Ascendance Macro
I use this to cast Ascendance as well as trinket CD’s at the same time!
#showtooltip Ascendance
/cast [nochanneling,combat]Ascendance
/use [combat] 13
/use [combat] 14