Shirk Survival Updated 08/01/25


I wanted to share my SV sequence which is working well for me, it’s based off the amazing work @Orbalisk has done with some changes. I’m going to share it exactly as I use it.

See comment linked here for and explanation of recent changes: Shirk Survival Updated 08/01/25 - #15 by Shirk

I do not use Flanking Strike in my build and Coordinated Assault is cast manually via the alt modifier (which will also cast Fury of the Eagle when held down). Having run a bunch of 10+ mythics I found that randomly getting thrown back at your target will get you killed by mechanics frequently enough to not want it. With the talents I have set out below and having Coordinated Assualt on a separate cast this won’t happen at all.

I am currently pulling ~96% St and ~98% AOE on an average over 10 3min tests on dummies. Obviously some runs are better and not many are worse. I am currently 632 ilvl on this alt. I live at the top of the meter, competing with people a few ilvls above no problem. This is obviously going to depend on your general M+ knowlege and experience, positioning and timing of Coordinated Assault.

You can use the alt modifier as an opener, it will throw you at the enemy and start blasting.

I use this WA to track Coordinated Assault (Eagle shares the same CD)


These are my talents:


This is the AOE Sequence:


This is the ST Sequence:


Please leave your feedback and any suggestions, always looking to improve.


Thx for it ! Il will give a try
At what speed are you running it ?


Works perfect. Disabled/removed a few things, like hunter’s mark mend pet and aspect of the eagle, + added fury of the eagle to the ST macro out of prefference.
Running it at 100MS

With Mark and mend being on GCD it’s definitely a dps loss, I often disable that block but I’m also sometimes super lazy :sweat_smile:

I’ve also added fury to the ST macro now, Sims ok and stops a focus cap at certain points. Ty for that.

Did you try the auto mistdirect WA?

Running at 100ms personally, I’d test and find what works best for you.

Missdirect WA works, but I have to be careful with the Eagle channel, since it sometimes casts at the wrong moment and it breaks the channel xD
I has an easy solution tho, just don’t press the key when it channels. Got used to it with Orbalisk’s macro, so no biggie.
I’d still stick with manually firing it if you’re using CA with the 60 secs talent, since CA and Eagle line up perfectly every time. I even made a castsequence for when I go with that talent in particular so they stay in the same button:

/castsequence reset=10 Coordinated Assault, fury of the eagle
/use [@player,combat]  13
/use [@player,combat]  14

Also added a weakaura to see duration and CD of CA, if anyone wants it: CA

This is a great idea, will do the same.

I’ll leave the macro as is for anyone wanting it to be simple.

As a mythic 10+ and raider,(ilvl 625) i am very impressed by this so far, i am going to test it out in a high key… I love that cordinated is seperate for obvious mythic plus reasons lol… Very good damage… keep up the great work, will update this soon as i down a mythic

I ran a smooth 11 today where everyone knew their job. I’m 625 ilvl now and came out at 1.4m DPS. Very comfortable with that. My pally will do 1.8m at 632 ilvl, this can’t be too far off comparatively.

In any case, the initial tests look very good.
Very good work, thank you very much. I need some more help with the Weak Aura for Misdirection. Could it be that it should work automatically when I run the macro?
When I call up the Weak Aura, or rather the settings, no icon is displayed on the screen. Is that correct? The automatic triggering of Misdirection doesn’t work for me somehow.

You shouldn’t have to do anything at all, the WA is just in your list and the macro should be called “Misdirect1” so that the sequence will call it. You can change the macro name and then just the first block in the sequence to match if you want.

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Now everything works perfectly. Thank you very much :slight_smile:

Hello, can you update it with the last changes made in the discussion ? Thx !

Will add the changes to the main topic in a sec but also wanted to put an explanation here in case anyone missed it.

@Aphelium suggested some great changes to things in general. Being new to SV I was always going to miss something.

Using a macro to time Coordinated Assault and Fury of the Eagle. With the Symbiotic Adrenaline talent (Which is part of my build) they will line up and go off together.

The damage of Eagle is dramatically higher inside the Assault window because it benefits from Tip Of the Spear.

Personal testing has eagle doing roughly twice the damage in the assualt window. I found it can get a bit clunky because of the GCD when using a macro in personal testing but it’s definitely worth lining up. With this in mind, I added them both to an alt modifier, so you just have to hold down alt and it will fire off Assault first and then Eagle right after. Let go when Eagle starts and you’re golden. I left the combat condition out of this so that you can use it as an opener, hold alt, start your sequence and you’ll charge at the target and start blasting.

Use the WA I created to keep an eye on the Assault CD imo (Eagle will be ready at the same time).

I’ve also disabled the hunters mark/mend pet block. Renable it if you’d like to but because those skills are on the GCD it eats into your damage over a length of time. If you’re predominantly running Mythics, as I currently am, you’re way better off without that block. I just pop in and turn it on for any solo stuff I do.

With these changes I am beating ST sims routinely, 104% on average over 10 runs. AOE is now around 96% to sim on average.

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Glad to help!
Been playing survival for years but got a hand injure and can’t do what used to be able to, so these macros help a ton.


Sorry to hear that. I don’t have an injury, I’m just extremely lazy.


this is me, id rather focus on the fun stuff rather than trying to type an essay

can someone help me?
AoE Sequence with the modifier ALT works great. But in the ST sequence when i press ALT it stops and only do autohits? Bind ST Sequence on END

Thx 4 reply

Is anyone else experiencing this? I bind my sequences to the brackets [ and ]. I don’t think it’s an issue with the macro in this case. I’m not very clued up on GSE troubleshooting, when I run into an issue I just flail around and delete files until it works again :sweat_smile:

i solved the problem… END is not comaptible with ALT… bind it on another one and it work…

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