Single Button Balance druid macro sets for patch 10.2 level 70 update: 12/02/23

Do macro stub clean, and check if you reached 18 personal macros.


Hi, what u mean by macro stub clean? Never did that. I have no idea of what is this or how to do it

FYI, every character has a maximum of 18 macros ( game menu, macros )

So try to delete some and try to reacreate the icon in to the bar.

If not GSE Options —> Troubleshoting —> Update Macro Stubs.


Thanks. But didn’t worked out. Also this character only have 2 macros.
Idk what’s going on. Until 2 days ago was everything fine

It locks up for me on the rotation

@Thesairen this macro is still running fantastic. staying in the top 10 dps of the raids. No lock ups or if there is its so small i dont see it. keep up the great work.

I have a question, I noticed the AOE spec tree is the same as ST. Is it supposed to be this way?

What people dont know is that long before these DF new talents trees, there was within the same talents a single and an aoe rotation, separated.

Now is mostly focused on separated builds ( single or aoe ), but still you need a rotation if multiple mobs are to be fighted.


Yea when there are more than 2 npcs I will be using AOE or ST for 2 or less. Some bosses though require a single target spec and a aoe. The specs above seem to be the same. When I switch from ST to AOE I see no changes.

Just wonder if I am missing something.

yes they are the same talents. only diffrence is probably the adding of the aoe spell in the macro. i use this in raid and it works just fine the way it is. lol

The difference between the 2 sets is the aoe macro uses “Starfire” and “Starfall” (both of which are aoe spells) while single target macro uses “wrath” and “starsurge” spells (both single target spells) with the exception of occasionally also casting 3 “starfires” as instant cast if “warrior of elune” was just cast.

Edit: I’m thinking that removing the initial castsequence line from the aoe macro then switching the spell order of that line of the st macro to cast sunfire first (which lines up more to the order of the spell cast on the st sim). This would allow the aoe macro go straigh to casting the aoe spells without it trying to apply the dot’s each time you switch to a new target, though if you still wanted to apply those dot’s right away (aka on the boss) then you could use the st target macro just long enough to apply those dot’s on the target then switch back to using the aoe macro right away as soon as those dot’s were applied.

EDIT2: after a bit of testing what I changed in the macros, I actually like the way this plays a bit better and will hopefully make the aoe macro set a bit more useful.