Single minded fury BG monster single target! Credit to Bam!

I don’t see execute in the macro. How does it evoke it?

Found a previous post on this

i have to use a one handed weapon? Anything else to tweak?

it works with 2h as well sorry kinda quit retail for time being so late reply

Just wanted to say here that this remains my go-to macro for leveling Fury Warriors. Fantastic work.

i wanna remove charge i want to control the charge my self in game but when i remove it seems like i am destroying the rotation in the macro
how do i remove Charge whitout destroying the macro :slight_smile:
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/castsequence [nocombat] reset=nocombat Battle Shout, null
/castsequence [@target] reset=target Charge, Hamstring

Br :slight_smile:

delete it so you end up with only “/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/castsequence [nocombat] reset=nocombat Battle Shout, null”

Or you could put the charge hamstring on a modifier.

now make for Arms

How can I make this macro prioritise rampage and crushing blow? I use [Reckless Abandon] Level 50 talent and it is supposed to be up there with rampage as top damage but it’s not with this macro. I have already removed the spell reflect, charge and hamstring so I have more control I am looking for pure priority abilities as I am in OCE and my ms causes me to miss rampages and lose damage and enrage effect