SoD Murder Kitty (raid ready) v. 1.8 (Updated 4/11/24)

You’re awesome, Thank you.

I had this problem the whole way with Mangle - thanks so much! This is my long awaited fix!

Only viewing and following this topic, I’m already learning a lot on how to create and alter GSE macro’s.

Thanx people for your effort and support!!


Hey! It’s always great to learn macros as they can get really complicated. If you need any help setting up your own GSE, please let me know.

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Updated 1/12/24 to v.1.5

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New to GSE. What do you mean when you say “fire the macro”? After the Tiger’s Fury am I supposed to hold the button down using CTRL to powershift when needed? It seems I need to press the macro to cycle it through. I expect I am doing something incorrect.

I’m testing new rotations for Phase 2 after the balance patch.

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hmm all im getting is skill id’s in red, im pretty sure im in the classic wotlk section. i’ll have toi figure it out.

ya all im getting is id’s in your 1.5
/castsequence reset=target 407993, 407988, 407993, 407993, 407993, 407993, 407988, 407993, 407993, 407993, 407993, Rip, 407993, 407993,

still trying to figure out what skills they go to

You’re not in cat form, so those skills don’t exist on the character. 407993 is Mangle, and 988 is Savage Roar.

thats the thing i was in cat mode when i imported and started attacking the training dummies when i noticed it was only doing shred.

There are training dummies in Classic?

I also encountered the same problem with error codes 407993 and 407988, and the loop seems to not be applicable to level 80 ICC, which cannot maintain full fragmentation throughout the process

This macro is for Season of Discovery.

Yes, though your macro here is for classic Wrath oif the lich kind aye? and not for standard classic ( as were in the WoTLK section, i had to do a little modifications to get it to work correctly.

But yes Stormwind has some Dummies, and as well as Iron forge, i believe Orgrimar and the undead city has some too, but i certainly know stormwind has them as ive been testing the macro out there, seeing what MS i should run it with ( using Razer Tartarus v2) curerntly at 100ms (0.1s) and so far pretty good.

Updated to Raid usage 1.8

Updated version 1.8 for lvl 50

Feral Druid

I’m lvl 70 and no macro works for me

You’re doing something wrong then, can you be more specific on what isn’t working so I can walk you through it please?

I apologize in advance for my English. Normally I put a macro in the addon, I put it on the bar and click on the macro, but it doesn’t turn on a single spell, only an auto attack

seems as if Rip isnt going off and i show a question mark for something when macro is going through spell, cant figure it out. Also cant get it to use Weapon/helm. Also should i be spamming macro or only click when i have energy for the spell that is up