Spamkeys_Unholy ST and AOE

Yeah im not happy with the AOE version trying to work on it.

hey bro its still bugging for me when i dismount and mouint its get bugged

Its not the macro mate, must be some other conflict.

it only happens when i use a flying mount and dismount wierd it was follow the attack styles
just gets bugged

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figured out the problem it was the rankings that was making it bug had to change them

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for some reason it wont cast anything but bone armor?

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Wonā€™t cast anything but bonearmorā€¦

Change the ranking on the spells.

Maybe try putting death and decay to be the first thing to cast

And how do I do that? in raw edit or?

type /gse select the macro and click edit. Go to the 1 and 2 tab scroll down and change the ranking on the spells.

EDIT: If you have issues copying macro there is a button to cover over that will say copy in the bottom right hand side of the script - click that and BAM.

Answered my own question thus why the edit.

Hey Buddy, DPS is fantastic, but Iā€™m having issues with taking too much damage, in either Unholy or Blood Stance. I currently have about 8.5k hp but itā€™s almost like i have no mitigation. Any advice?

Hi guys, can any 1 tell me what speed are you running it?

and the spec are you using standard or early haste one?

Tk u

Hi @hobo HOBO. great macros work perfect pity the user doesnt lol keep it up

standard bud saves messing haste isnt an issue

all this does for me is cast bone shield :thinking:

if you have AHK (auto hot key) place them on the 1 and 2 buttons on the bar or put them where you like

i use

#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 3

Toggle := !Toggle
If (!Toggle)
Send 1
Sleep 250 ; Make this number higher for slower clicks, lower for faster.

Toggle := !Toggle
If (!Toggle)
Send 2
Sleep 200 ; Make this number higher for slower clicks, lower for faster.

like most people some of us have hand injuries and without the work of peeps like hobo wouldnt be able to play full

Sorry mate been playing my Druid in Game.

I manually use DK mitigations as needed. Not sure what to say.