Thanks to Alex, Michael and Mario for providing a temporary macro in the old topic. You guys done a great job. Let us know how it works for you guys or if you can make it even better post it here.
My thinking on this would be the Arcane Shot part. With the right amount of focus, I think you could put Arcane Shots in with the cast sequence with Black Arrow and Dire Beast in it. I know DB doesn’t eat up any focus. BA does but the CD is 24 so I’m thinking of this:
/castsequence reset=24 Black Arrow, Dire Beast, Arcane Shot, Arcane Shot, Arcane Shot
From my research I found that 3 Arcane Shots (60 total focus) is basically how many you should shoot in a row.
I’m using the following: /tar keeps targeting the closest thing to me so I jump right to the next target and keep my dps up and /petattack sends my pet moments for before my attacks starts so my pet catches them halfway to me and picks up the aggro.
castsequence [mod]Arcane Shot;reset=target Serpent Sting,null
/cast Cobra Shot
/cast Explosive Shot
/castsequence reset=20 Black Arrow,Dire Beast
/cast A Murder of Crows
/cast Rapid Fire
/cast Kill Shot
/use 13
/use 14
You will notice AMOC is not in the macro. Keep it on a separate button, should really only be used on bosses. Because AMOC was in the macro it was causing Kill Shot not to work.
Now the only issue is that black arrow does not always cast on CD, it acts like it wants to cast it than skips and waits full 20 sec duration to try again have seen it skip up to 4x in a row causing dps to drop with out black arrow cast it cannot move on to the rest of the sequence so only cobra and explosive being used with CDs
My only issue with the above macro is that when LnL procs it won’t do the extra Explosive shots. So I’ve had to put that on a separate button. Otherwise it was doing good.
[quote quote=3487]work in progress placement with in the macros more important these days. Based Off Eric‘s work credit goes to him… /cast Auto Attack
/castsequence reset=target Serpent Sting,null
/castsequence [mod]Arcane Shot
/castsequence reset=1 Cobra Shot
/castsequence reset=6 Explosive Shot
/castsequence Black Arrow,Dire Beast
/cast A Murder of Crows “kill shot still needs separate button” I have included focus dump… for “/use” item # See: I use reduce input lag in wow settings [/quote]
Lot of issues with this macro.
/cast Auto Attack is not needed at all. Just do /startattack
You don’t want to mod Arcane Shot. You want to include it into a rotation that you don’t need to be pushing extra buttons.
Remove AMOC from it and you should be able to use Kill Shot. AMOC should NEVER ever used when ever it’s up. It should only be used on a boss or in PVP when needed like when you are killing a Pally who bubbles a lot.
[quote quote=3490]well then you have kill shot breaking the macro waiting on it to pop, unless it’s made as a mod… [/quote] Back to finding a place for it in the macro.
Survival is one those because of Focus cost making it very difficult to make a rotation macro for. BM and MM are much easier just BM has a lot of CDs to manage.
Hey guys,
Great appreciation for keeping up with the macro’s.
A moved from BM to SV on my hunter and after testing 2 different macro’s on either a dummy and in dungeons.I found notable differences between the two.
I tried Michael Lynch ,macro posted on September 5, 2012 at 2:25 am
And I tried Eric,macro posted on September 7, 2012 at 11:30 pm.
ATM I’m still Level 89 with a combo of quest/reward and reg. dungeon gear.
However I found,Eric’s macro indeed doing some more dps and used most of the available spells. but was focus starved during long fights.
Where for Michal Lynch’s macro gave a bit les dmg but I had no issues with focus.
Thank you for the note. This is one of my gripes with Hunters in general. They are built like the old Arcane Mage where they have a burn time, and a regen time. I think to be honest that will be the most efficient will be a combo of mine and Erics. I use Erics when I raid, and then I use mine when I solo. I have the same thing for my Destro Lock too, one for solo and another for raiding.
I hit a separate key when ES procs and when its time to use Kill Shot
again switch out Blood Fury for your racial CD and the use 10 is for my engineered gloves so you can remove it as well. The 2 Glaive Tosses are 10 sec CDs works perfect for the BA and Db 20 sec CDs. If you can make this work better please let me know.