well well well
…“no shift modifyer in the sequence for aoe tho?”
no im to LAZY to write shift/alt/ctrl bla bla mod
you dont need it
we have two macros (SurvSing & Surv AoE) and two Keys (which you can always change: shift/alt/ctrl)
there is our " simple shift modifyer "
It couldn’t be simpler. 111-ST: shift+111( mouse on dummys ) -AoE
…or it could be O_o
gotcha! yea, it slaps dude, nice work!
Look here my last Segments 30+ min with 0 Arcane Shots, but you can add if you need.
here is for many targets
LAZY macros , mate
It is important not to forget to write ( reset=5 ) in this macro, it need just more time to do the sequence in time
i like this aoe macro! i prefer running my ST one one key and my aoe on another, especially the way targeting works, the aoe one seems a little more spammy with what it targets next, i gotta be careful to not pull the next pack when we blowing through dungeons haha
I did around 170k per s just in 10 sec fight with trash befor High Priestess Azil in The Stonecore
but i did to late SS just 2 sec later…
you have to be veeeeery careful too… I have been burned many times.
i did about 250k last night on those same mobs, i use a focus target misdirect macro so never a problem, then bind it on my mouse scroll down, so my start to that fight is scroll down, then spam your aoe macro for billions of safe dps xD
just set your focus target to the tank at the start of the instance, if he dies or any issues los it goes to your pet, never had any issue with it!:
#showtooltip Misdirection
/dismount [mounted]
/cancelaura Misdirection
/cast [@mouseover,nodead,exists,help] [@target,nodead,exists,help][@focus,exists,nodead,help][@pet,exists,nodead] Misdirection
WoW a very laaaazy macro
i use a simple focus macro
/cast [target=focus] Misdirection
right ciick on target > focus > done
does this shot serpent sting to much?
I use your ele shaman macro with great success. They came in 2 macros when i imported them
and i bound them to my mouse keys – single target and aoe. Will this be the same for my hunter ?