Beef Sir! We are waiting for the updated version of your marco! Thanks!!!
[quote quote=22622]Thx for you replay beef. Im using your BM macro and it is great notice in brf many add fights so the beast cleave gonna rock,Im not a macro expert but im think im find least 1 problem…
‘/cast !Explosive Shot’, ‘/cast Steady Shot’, ‘/cast Arcane Shot’, from your macro…it is No steady shot in sv …it is cobra shot…no wonder it is never fires…
you prob mixed whit the MM or bm macro when you posted lines mixed upp…
Cant wait for a new updated one :=))
Yes I can change those but when you actually change it in your spec it automatically changes and fires the correct shot. Once I am able to “update” my original posts if Luis lets me. I will be doing that. But it does work for me if not I can private message you what you need, just send me a message.
Message me what you are using, your spec as well as your talents, I started to use the extra steady shot focus and then went to exotic ammunitions just to gain focus, and I have enough crit and stats to make everything proc anyway, that helped me a lot and I’m consistent at 32k…
I know man I am trying to get my status back so I can keep editing all of my macros… I am sorry for the delay but I will do my best as soon as I can,
Hope that you can post it very soon! love all your macro’s!
really want the new one to try
Having an issue where Black Arrow will fire initially, but every other time during combat it gets skipped. Also seem to be Focus starved slightly. The failure of BA basically brings this macro in 25% less DPS than the MM macro I use…
Beef - would you be opposed to just starting a new thread with the new macro? Patiently waiting. Your macros are always far superior.
Currently I am asking Luis at the moment to reinstate my status so I can edit. I have 19 new macros ready to go and perfected for patch 6.1 and in hopes that he will trust me again after My own personal mistake, and my own fault for a misunderstanding that was entirely my fault I hope that he will forgive and forget so I can keep updating all of my macros. This is definitely not Luis, it’s my fault. But I hope he can see that I am trying my best to make it up to him with all of my new macros and all of the ones I have ready. I would start a new thread, but when you are posting 19 new threads each couple of days, I just cant keep doing that. I work 11 hours a day and have a second job as well as try and play wow and give the GF time too. So I hope he can forgive me, and to any I offended or are irritated I haven’t posted a new thread yet my sincere apologies to you, as well again to Luis for breaking that trust.
So I need to petition to Luis then…
I dunno what happened and not my business of course but I know I come on this site and see three types of posters. Those that try to make macros, those that do make macros and those that look for macros others have made.
There are a ton of those that try to make macro’s and Beef is one of the very few who actually does make macros. They work exquisitely well where others fall short. And he takes the time to explain to those of us who simply come on here to find macros.
Without Beef posting macros I feel like the drought right after Draenor launched. “Release the Beef!”
Frankly he’s why I visit this site.
“Release the Beef!”
Frankly he’s why I visit this site.
Not trying to hyjack a thread or change the topic myself, But since others are discussing it…
But if I can add my own .02 here.
I mean no disrespect to Luis at all, But he needs to think whats best for his website.
If Beef indeed has more macros, And his posts seem sincere to me and I honestly dont think he is trying to put the screws to anyone and/or screw over this website. But it just seems he needs think “whats best for business” as they say in WWE.
I moved from my lock to my hunter due some issues I have with my macro’s myself. BRF is very high movement intensive and being how hunters can DPS while moving so well, I decided to make the switch…
Luis has been saying you know, He’s been busy with RL and I understand that. And real life should ALWAYS come first. HOWEVER…We do come here for macros!!! And beef seems to be very willing to help.
Beef is the only reason I come to the site. I appreciate the work that others do here, but he has the best macros.
I can confirm that…so I hope he will be back soon:)