Hey how much ms do you play ??
I play at 100ms, but any MS will work fine since Outlaw doesn’t have any critical buffs or debuffs that require strict uptime management. This makes it one of the easiest specs to macro effectively—you can pretty much just spam everything as it comes off cooldown. The spec’s design focuses more on reacting to procs (which is covered) and cycling cooldowns quickly rather than maintaining precise timings.
are you able to put OUTLAW_SPEND on an alt modifier. I tried but I am still having issues learning this new gse way
You can set it to Alt + (your builder keybind) in the keybinds section of GSE. Double-check that the keybind doesn’t overlap with any existing bindings to ensure it works smoothly.
thanks i havent thought of that
Hey, sorry this time I have a beginner question myself. Is the ms time you all reference just for “key down” and then again for “key up” so for example 100ms + 100ms = 200ms or is it for both together: 50ms + 50ms = 100ms?
I think its how often the button is pressed when held down. Personally I wouldn’t worry too much about what ms to use. You can just manually spam the button and it’ll work fine
Alright, it was more of a general question I was asking myself.
I think I will try the mouse wheel method because I found clicking with my mouse side buttons really challenging.
Thanks anyways
I was wondering (bcz I’m a greedy little goblinette) if there is a good suggestion or place to add Pick Pocket into the sequence. I tried after the Stealth command on the Build Sequence tab 3 and it sorta works but hangs after multiple attacks - looking for suggestions, I guess I could just drop a macro call command… Ideas?
amazing macro, ive never liked playing outlaw. but with this macro allows to me to play outlaw with really high dps. 1mil plus with half champion half veteran gear. id buy you a coffee.
Thank you, much appreciated! Glad I’m able to help