Update Aug 13, 2024 | šŸ„µ The best Fury Warrior for The War Within Patch 11.0

Thats probably bc of msec keypress speed, but careful .


Thanks for all the hard work you put in to this. Iam brand new to this and followed your guide and it worked great on my Timerunner champions. But when i log in after MoP Remix ended i cant get it to work when i try it on the dummys in SW?


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Hey, thank you very much for your praise :slight_smile:

I donā€™t know if the dummies are bugged again. That could be a good thing, since TWW started yesterday.

If it has nothing to do with the dummies, check whether the spells in your language are stored in the macro and if not, change this. (Tip: Also use the spell IDs and not the words such as ā€œexecuteā€)


Can confirm as @Ziggy said above : Thunderous Roar or Bladestorm never go off with the new version. Using the same ms speed, the old version @lloskka posted everything go off perfectly, and the translated version @julian-deveril posted got the same issue : Thunderous Roar or Bladestorm never go off.

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You need them in seperate boxes not sure why heā€™s put them both in oneā€¦

Even when in different boxes, or in a new loop box (still separated), it still doesnā€™t work for these 2 to go off. I think its maybe to do with too many actions and so maybe changing MS would help (but I donā€™t want to fire off lower than 200 MS).

In any case, these and the other cooldowns are probably better off not in the macro and pressed separately - unless you want to brain off quest etc

is macro updated in main post ?

hey boss any update for this ? thanks

why are you asking him, this isnt his thread?

Ahhh, u meant this one siodar!

Its not, just translated into ā€œspell idsā€ from german to english, on one of early of xorrak macros.



english version plus talents


This version does less dps then whats in the OP

cant answer that maybe update!?