Correct What he said
Thanks for the macro, it works fine. But I still have a few questions:
- For the leggo, most of the warlocks will choose head and necklace now. So is there any change on the macro if I use head and necklace? I’m ilvl 965 with 25% crit, 31% haste and 144% mastery. The exact result is much less than the sim DPS. I can only do a 1.4-1.5m with the macro in herioic raid bosses.
- The siphon life comes too late or reapply too early. I think this also affect DPS.
- Will the macro work in Mythic+? Or if I change the talent soul harvest to seed, will it work fine?
so I see where your getting at with the neck but my personal choice i would rather have a constant stream of Soul shards instead of a absorb shield. I understand my class and I have built my build to be aware of the fact that I don’t have that much health but if you do understand the class and work it correctly this macro is quite powerful. During our weekly heroic run I am topping my raid group with about 2.1M dps. You do have to understand that as we are a dot class that high movement fights are our downfall and you have to be aware of that. so have little crafted items like potions of speed or using your demonic circle to move you around is quite helpful. And don’t be hesitant to multi-dot where needed. Also this macro SHOULD NOT BE USED WITH AUTO-HOTKEY this macro was made with the use of multi-button mouse in mind and manually hit it. With this in mind don’t forsake your healers they are there to keep you alive but always have some damage reduction or damage mitigation abliltys on your hotbars.
Below is a version the macro with soul harvest removed so you can use seed with it.
Sequences['Afflock-7.3.2 w/o Soul Harvest'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.2.07.
Author="Cacey@The Venture Co",
Talents = "3212112",
Helplink = "",
Help = [[Affliction - Talents are 3113112]],
MacroVersions = {
[1] = {
StepFunction = "Sequential",
"/cast [nochanneling] Reap Souls",
"/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=target Agony, Corruption, Drain Soul, Life Tap, Siphon Life",
"/cast [combat,nochanneling] Unstable Affliction",
"/cast [combat,nochanneling] Unstable Affliction",
"/cast [combat,nochanneling] Berserking",
[2] = {
StepFunction = "Sequential",
"/cast [nochanneling] Reap Souls",
"/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=target Agony, Corruption, Drain Soul, Life Tap, Siphon Life",
"/cast [combat,nochanneling] Unstable Affliction",
"/cast [combat,nochanneling] Unstable Affliction",
"/cast [combat,nochanneling] Soul Harvest",
not working
Well @mvi have you tried both versions the first version has the troll racial included
Hello what kind of Legendary are you using?
Sequences['Afflock-7.3.2'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.2.08.
Author="Cacey@The Venture Co",
Talents = "3113112",
Helplink = "",
Help = [[Affliction - Talents are 3113112]],
MacroVersions = {
[1] = {
StepFunction = "Sequential",
"/cast [nochanneling] Reap Souls",
"/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
"/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=target Agony, Corruption, Drain Soul, Life Tap, Siphon Life",
"/cast [combat,nochanneling] Unstable Affliction",
"/cast [combat,nochanneling] Unstable Affliction",
"/cast [combat,nochanneling] Berserking",
[2] = {
StepFunction = "Sequential",
"/cast [nochanneling] Reap Souls",
"/targetenemy [noharm][dead]",
"/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=target Agony, Corruption, Drain Soul, Life Tap, Siphon Life",
"/cast [combat,nochanneling] Unstable Affliction",
"/cast [combat,nochanneling] Unstable Affliction",
"/cast [combat,nochanneling] Soul Harvest",
I like the macro but clearly Soul Harvest is still in this macro… It’s easy to remove but it’s still there