⚔️ Warriors Fury - 9.2 - Necro - Raid Based - Updated 3-14⚔️

Yes it is. I will always update the original post with the newest versions.

do i need cast something else manually for rotation outside of ALT+CTRL+SHFT ?

Does GSE look something from this aura or can i use different aura ?
sorry for alot questions.

Can use whatever aura you want :stuck_out_tongue:

do i need cast something else manually for rotation outside of ALT+CTRL+SHFT ?
does it use any defensives in rotation?

Does weakaura have any other specific function regarding GSE except showing user spell CD ?

No it does not. Just showing things you should cast on cooldown if needed.

I got suggestion for this macro; do AoE rotation for separate macro with same modifiers? Im gonna be testing this for raiding since this is pretty much only raid macro atm.


That’s easy to do. Create a second tab, take out all Single Target spells/abilities add in AoE spells/abilities, export or copy second Tab, reimport as a new macro.

what MS you are generally using with your macros (especially with this one? )

current macro does not use recklessness/charge on start dont know why.

The ms is in the description, chief.

How you can put 200-250MS to AHK ? Some kind randomizer? .

No idea as I don’t use AHK but there must be some tutorial online.

Has anyone tried this as Venthyr yet using Condemn? Curious, but I’m going to toy with it myself.

My original question was what MS author is using since there is 200-250MS mentioned at start of topic.
He did answer “The ms is in the description, chief.”. So I assume he is using 200-250MS what begs me question what AHK macro is he using to achieve this. I did not ask any tutorial for AHK usage just what macro he is using… I got myself perfectly working macro with modifier keys and text when its toggle on but it is for single speed.

he probably not using AHK, i am asumming. I dont use it AHK. my mouse is set to 250ms. i think he aslo uses a keyboard or mouse with auto keys built in. i posted that link as a helpful direction to go to see if it has your answer.

Rotation mainly stays the same minus a talent change I believe.

can this still work for night fae? if so what talents and legendary? plz