Wenlo The Rain Of Barrel Mythic + Build The War Within BrewMaster Monk

Hello everyone !

After my healer monk build, today i will present to you an simple but effective brewmaster build i love to play in my Mythic + Run since a long time now

This sequence was heavily tested on my +12-13 Key Mythic dungeon Run, with a good sucess.

What this build does basically is putting all your brew rotation on a single button, letting you only manage basic stuff like interuppt,AOE CC,taunt and your black ox brew when you feel the need to recharge your barrel ammunition.

Like the title say the idea of the build is to optimise your brew coodlown reduction to maximise the damage output of your Special Delivery talent, by doing so you transform this simple talent in an huge aoe damage machine.

Its also allow you to spend your brew on cd without worrying since you would more or less have infinite quantity of brew to spend and will optimise the master of harmony heroic talent tree related to usage of brew.

The sequence gonna use in this order Keg Smash on cd with Black Out Kick who gonna activate your black out combo buff (+50% damage on breath of fire and +5% damage reduction) on your next Breath Of Fire, Rising sun kick, Chi Burst for the damage part and repeat it will also activate your brew On CD with expel harm at the end of rotation to keep your heal bar at good level.


The build is optimised to play Master of Harmony hero talent.



Talents: ?,?,?,?,?,?,?

This macro contains 1 macro template. This Sequence was exported from GSE 3.2.18-g.

Here what your damage details should look like

Also your best stats for using this build gonna be Vers/Crit mainly with a bit of Mastery Try to reach around 20% Vers for 25% Crit and around 15% Mastery.

Hope you enjoy the build,
Feel free to comment and tell me what you think of it or if you notice any error i could fix. And of course share with me your Mythic + Key sucess you will do with that build :wave:


Thank you so much! I’ll start challenging from +8 keys now.

Do you have a separate tree and GSE sequence for raids? I really love both the healing and tanking playstyles!

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What is the key speed, in milliseconds (ms)?

rly nice ! i love it tbh , will try with shadopan build too if it’s possible :slight_smile:

really enjoying it so far, well done !


hello @bonal_lucas , awesome macro , some test at 580-90 ilvl :slight_smile:

Really really good ! → Macro fire at 100 ms

AND I’M NOT OPTI - crit at 20% (7k) for versa to 17% (12k) , i need of course more crit !
580 - 650 K global dps (depends of my run and dungeon of course)

Did u try shadopan hero build?

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I will create another build for shado pan this one is well suited for master of harmony but really not for shado-pan

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Awesome ! +3 some key thats really good, glad you like it ! Try to put the new ring with full stats gem its gonna help you reach your stats target. I will create another build for shado pan since this one is really suited and designed around master of harmony

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Even if you could raid with that tank build without problem i wouldnt recommand it since its really designated for M+. I will create another build for tanking in raid

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Thank u so much for ur hard work ! when u’ll release shadopan build, will test it !
But atm MoH is pretty good too :stuck_out_tongue:

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Hey man, are u still working on a Shado-Pan for M+?? cant wait to try it ! :smiley:


I do, its almost finiched, just need to run some +13-14 Mythic with it to confirm its work as intended

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Yeeeah ! it will be amazing !

This is just super chilled to play with.

As soon as i start taking damage it really shines and I basically didn’t have to do anything else yet than Pressing your Macro and my Mobility skills.

Thanks you Sir

Gse brought a lot of fun back into the game for me.

Hello. I really want to see the Shado-Pan monk. Because the master of harmony works great. Your macro is great.