Hello everyone !
After my last master of harmony tank build, today i will present to you an Heavy damage brewmaster build who would be more suited for agressive player who want optimise their damage at the cons of losing a bit of survivability, this build gonna give you the biggest damage possible on BrewMaster by using the shado pan spec and optimise the damage of our keg smash and flurry strikes.
Just like my last BrewMaster Build, this build put all your brew damage rotation on a single button, letting you only manage basic stuff like interuppt, AOE CC, taunt and défensive cooldown.
The idea of the build is to optimise your energy spender rotation to maximise the proc rate of flurry strikes, and letting you have insane damage for a tank, often ending a mythic + with an damage overall of 1m2-1m5 damage in average.
The sequence gonna use in this order : Keg Smash on cd with breath of fire for the +20% damage on keg smash,Black Out Kick who gonna activate your black out combo buff mainly on Tiger Palm (+100% damage),Weapon Of Order,Keg Smash, Rising sun kick, Chi Burst/Exploding Keg for an optimal damage rotation.
This build is optimised and should be used with Shado-Pan hero talent.
Talents: ?,?,?,?,?,?,?
This macro contains 1 macro template. This Sequence was exported from GSE 3.2.19.
Here what your damage details should look like
Also your best stats for using this build gonna be Vers/Crit mainly with a bit of Mastery Try to reach around 20% Vers for 25% Crit and around 15% Mastery. Best overall option for the Cyrce’s cyrclet gonna be this one
Full stats gem gonna give you the the best amount of offensive and défensive
Hope you enjoy the build,
Feel free to comment and tell me what you think of it or if you notice any error i could fix. And of course share with me your Mythic + Key/Raid sucess you will do with that build