What is MS and how can I change it? Answered (With working AHK script you can use with Modifiers)

Any suggestions on my question above? Thanks.

Copy the script and then change the 1’s to 2’s :slight_smile:

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Thank you sir! This works!

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how too make it stop and is there a way 2 make the press the same button too stop

i havnt seen anyone post an answer to this or a question of this so im gonna ask it i dont use ahk or anything i just spam my buttons so which ms are you talking about cause there are 2

  1. home
  2. world
    cause either way they both affect the timing on our macros

The very first line of the original post.


They are talking about the delay between button presses. At 100ms they are hitting the button 10 times a second.

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Something to note some GSE features assume you are clicking at 100ms. You can adjust this to taste but that number needs to be able to cleanly divide into 1000 eg 100, 125, 200 means these functions will be accurate but 150 means they won’t be.

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Has anyone made toggle ahk script where it stops automatically another script while starting another? while modifiers working? I havent seen toggle script where modifiers would work either or im just too stupid to learn ahk :stuck_out_tongue:

your Mouse software should do it, got mine working no probs

dunno if in ahk can be done


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Im using zowie fk2 and there is not afaik mouse software how ever after spending abit time for this I found Hadronox / Rezel AHK scripts and this should be added really somewhere help section cause it is completed macros for 1-3 button HOLD and TOGGLE so here is link for this great author: AutoHotKey/README.md at master · SiderealDay/AutoHotKey · GitHub I can personally recommend/vouch only toggle ahk cause i dont use hold but im sure it is 100% working WITH modifiers :slight_smile:


Well your mouse isnt sorted for MMO specially

Thats where your problem was, but next time try to buy logitech g600series or something like that.

Software is very potent, and you can do things with GSE which with other mice YOU CANNOT


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are you sure u know what you are talking about?
how ahk or any other software what mimics clicks/key press differences with mouse software? lul.
except ofc u can do macros inside of your mouse program but so you can do with AHK too and even more if you have passion code with it.

My mouse sofware ( g700s, Logitech Gaming Software ), can do something EVEN other mouse brands software cannot.

But, what is that? are u thinking

I can insert a “stop”, between RUNINGS MACRO ( plurals ).

Example: runing a simple ( or dual combined ) macro, pressing a key on my mouse ( keypressed ) with another sequence made with the software.

That not interrupts any of the other macros.

I think it has to do with the ghosting capabilities a keyboard ( or mouse in this case ), can hold.


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Cheers havent laugh awhile.

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Hey guys, im looking for help with this AHK stuff that i have zero idea about
So my question is “how to add more hotkey to this script”

I want to hold 3 for ST and 4 for MT but i can not figure it out how to edit this stuff

This is what i am using right now

#ifWinActive World of Warcraft ; Only run if window ‘World of Warcraft’ is active
$3:: ; If e is pressed
$^3:: ; If e+control is pressed
$+3:: ; If e+shift is pressed
$!3:: ; If e+alt is pressed
Loop ; If any of the above is true then loop below
if not GetKeyState(“3”, “P”) ; If E is not pressed then break the loop
if GetKeyState(“LCtrl”, “P”) ; If left control is pressed then send control+e
Send ^3
else if GetKeyState(“LShift”, “P”) ; If left shift is pressed then send shift+e
Send +3
else if GetKeyState(“LAlt”, “P”) ; If left alt is pressed then send alt+e
Send !3
Send 3 ; If e is pressed with no other modifiers send e
sleep 70 ; Time in milliseconds between key repeats

and tbh im not really sure what most of the stuff mean cept for "sleep 70: , if someone could help me edit as for my question and maybe delete most of the stuff i dont really need in this script because i only hold 3 most of the time anyway, never really hold shift 3 or ctrl 3 or whatever that script said

Thank you in advance for your help and time, happy wow’ing

@Elfyau - given all of the chatter in this thread, and your prolific nature on this site (thank you!), is the original post at the top of this thread itself as up-to-date as possible? I’m not necessarily encountering an issue (though I’ve not yet tried it). Instead, I want to ensure the OP is the most current method you prescribe.

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The original post still works for me and I haven’t as of yet (touch wood) needed to touch it :slight_smile:

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i’m still using the original also and works great


Thanks @Elfyau (and @Siodar, for confirming!) - I appreciate it! :slight_smile:

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