WW GS-E Macro Tweaking

[quote quote=35057]Wouldnt it be possible to just use 2 macros one for opening and one for when serenity is on CD. Pretty sure you can put those 4 items in a macro to open with then just got right to the macro.

It may be possible but Serenity + Touch of Death opener is such a massive boost in power I like to have complete control over it. If you were trying to adhere to the Lazy Philosophy its something you could probably do, but I think having the macro build chi / keep Hit Combo up and manage most everything else is leisurely enough for me. I also use Serenity for trash packs in Mythic+ and will not always use the same rotation.

But the whole reason it’s shared here is so we can tweak it and make it better / more versatile

[quote quote=35125]Is this worth using for leveling as well from 100-110 ?

I used it to level, and it worked well enough. I just kept it toggled while fighting, I only do the Toggle On / Toggle Off when trying to get the most out of my monk in raids / mythic+

Does anyone of you know a decent/good WW AoE macro ?

For the aoe macro spinning crane kick doesn’t go off