So this is one i have been working on.
It’s aimed more for dps tanking rather than survival. It’s been serving me well so far.
I have had this beta tested for me too and the feedback was positive but i do need to make 1 defensive change. It does also work well for portal farming, but that’s not really hard.
It WILL use SotR and it WILL use Seraphim, it will leave enough charges to use these on cooldown.
As usual for my macros, don’t go ham but try to weave it in the GCD.
Sequences['Kith_Prot'] = {
-- This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.1.00.
Talents = "2131132",
Help = [[Stat Priority: Haste > Crit (Offensive) || Haste > Versatility (Defensive)]],
MacroVersions = {
[1] = {
StepFunction = "Sequential",
"/cast Consecration",
"/cast Avenging Wrath",
"/cast Seraphim",
"/cast Guardian of Ancient Kings",
"/cast Judgment",
"/cast Avenger's Shield",
"/cast Blinding Light",
"/cast Hammer of the Righteous",
"/cast Judgment",
"/cast Consecration",
"/cast Hammer of the Righteous",
"/cast Shield of the Righteous",
"/cast Ardent Defender",
"/cast Avenger's Shield",
"/cast Blessing of Spellwarding",
"/cast Judgment",
"/cast Hammer of the Righteous",
"/cast Hammer of the Righteous",
"/cast Consecration",
"/cast Judgment",
"/cast Shield of the Righteous",
"/cast Hammer of the Righteous",
"/cast Hammer of the Righteous",
"/cast Eye of Tyr",
"/cast Judgment",
"/cast Avenger's Shield",
"/cast Consecration",
"/cast Hammer of the Righteous",
"/cast Judgment",
"/cast Hammer of the Righteous",
"/cast Hammer of the Righteous",
"/cast Hammer of the Righteous",
"/cast Seraphim",
"/cast Judgment",
"/cast Consecration",
"/cast [@player] Light of the Protector",
"/cast Avenger's Shield",
"/cast Hammer of the Righteous",
"/cast Judgment",
"/cast Hammer of the Righteous",
"/cast Consecration",
"/cast Judgment",
"/cast Shield of the Righteous",
"/cast Hammer of the Righteous",
"/cast Hammer of the Righteous",
"/cast Judgment",
"/cast Avenger's Shield",
"/cast Shield of the Righteous",
"/cast Consecration",
"/cast Hammer of the Righteous",
"/cast Judgment",
"/cast [@player] Light of the Protector",
"/cast Hammer of the Righteous",
"/cast Hammer of the Righteous",
"/cast Avenger's Shield",
"/cast Judgment",
"/cast Consecration",
"/cast Hammer of the Righteous",
"/cast Hammer of the Righteous",
"/cast Judgment",
"/cast Seraphim",
"/cast Hammer of the Righteous",
"/cast Consecration",
"/cast Judgment",
"/cast Avenger's Shield",
"/cast Hammer of the Righteous",
"/cast Avenger's Shield",
"/cast Judgment",
"/cast Consecration",
"/cast Hammer of the Righteous",
"/cast Hammer of the Righteous",
"/cast Judgment",
"/cast Shield of the Righteous",
"/cast Hammer of the Righteous",
"/cast Consecration",
"/cast Judgment",
"/cast Eye of Tyr",
"/cast Avenger's Shield",
"/cast Hammer of the Righteous",
"/cast [@player] Light of the Protector",
"/cast Judgment",
"/cast Avenger's Shield",
"/cast Consecration",
"/cast Hammer of the Righteous",
"/cast Judgment",
"/cast Shield of the Righteous",
"/cast Avenger's Shield",
"/cast Hammer of the Righteous",
"/cast [@player] Light of the Protector",
"/cast Hammer of the Righteous",
"/cast Judgment",
"/cast Seraphim",
"/cast Consecration",
"/cast Blinding Light",
"/cast Hammer of the Righteous",
"/cast Judgment",
"/cast [@player] Light of the Protector",
"/cast Hammer of the Righteous",
"/cast Avenger's Shield",
"/cast Judgment",
"/cast Consecration",
"/cast Hammer of the Righteous",
"/cast Hammer of the Righteous",
"/cast Judgment",
"/cast Hammer of the Righteous",
"/cast Shield of the Righteous",
"/cast Consecration",
"/cast [@player] Light of the Protector",
"/cast Judgment",
"/cast Avenger's Shield",
"/cast Hammer of the Righteous",
"/cast Avenger's Shield",
"/cast Judgment",
"/cast Consecration",
"/cast Hammer of the Righteous",
"/cast Hammer of the Righteous",
"/cast Avenging Wrath",
"/cast Judgment",
"/cast Avenger's Shield",
"/cast Seraphim",
"/cast Hammer of the Righteous",
"/cast Consecration",
"/cast Judgment",
"/cast [@player] Light of the Protector",
"/cast Hammer of the Righteous",
"/cast Ardent Defender",
"/cast Shield of the Righteous",
"/cast Hammer of the Righteous",
"/cast Judgment",
"/cast Consecration",
"/cast Hammer of the Righteous",
"/cast Avenger's Shield",
"/cast Judgment",
"/cast Shield of the Righteous",
"/cast Hammer of the Righteous",
"/cast Consecration",
"/cast Eye of Tyr",
"/cast [@player] Light of the Protector",
"/cast Judgment",
"/cast Hammer of the Righteous",
"/cast Avenger's Shield",