Zerg BM Hunter - Mythic+ and Raid [11.02.2023 ] YouTube

When you say 30ms? Are you using another program to trigger the macro for you and if so what?

probably has a gaming mouse or keyboard running it that speed.

could you show the mouse verlocita setting please? i play manually with mouse at 50ms but i press by hand i don’t do automatic
i have it that way by me manually pressing


Just tried to use this today, 1/7/2024. Error: The loadout you are trying to import is out of date. I copy/pasted the B0PAIlFMjeNhnEouGfV8Ij2uS5ACaJAIEAAAAAAAAAAAaEKSolEJkIRSoJEhkQSSEakEB into the Talents Import.

import to wowhead talent calculator then export or just use the most recent wowhead talents

Still the one that works the best for me, im doing insanely more dmg with these macro’s compared to others

Glad it pumps for you! What ilvl and what kind of DPS are you pulling on dummies and such? :bow_and_arrow:

Had hoped to see an update to these, however, I have a question. Is it necessary to have modifiers? I have arthritis in my hands so its difficult to hit multiple buttons at the same time especially with modifiers. Is there another way I can use these without modifiers but still get good results?

Note: your notation at the top says updated 11.2.2023 that is last year. Will you do any updates soon since is now July 12, 2024?

more than likely their either quit the game, stop making making macros, or waiting til TWW before updating.

its not necessary for the modifiers, you can always go into the macro and delete them. you will either need to put those spells into the actual macro rotation or manually cast them when you want to use them.

Thanks, do you know if the macros are still viable even? So many changes have occurred that I’ve noticed a less robust reaction when I use the old ones I still have.

see about 18 days ago, someone expressed how this is doing. lol

i am at this moment playing Hunter, so their comment best we can get.

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