Zerg BM Hunter - Mythic+ and Raid [11.02.2023 ] YouTube

looks great and clean <3

@Zerzerg Great macro, thanks for your work.

So for curiosity title and personal point of our MS. Which ms of your local ping?

i got like 35ping and 100-120 ms works for me

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Thanks for posting your gear @Baby ! Seeing that you have “the bow” accounts for a lot. Using Zergs SV Macro atm and doing way better than I was as BM or MM without “the bow”. Currently have all BiS gear minus “the bow”. Hope it will eventually drop before the next Tier :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

About the ms for gse macros, ppl should as a beginning try ping(ingame ms) + 100…
Ex ping/ingame 30ms + 100ms = 130 ms in software, not saying thats the best but its what working for me

when looking at ping do I go with World ping or Home ping?

That UI looks awesome! Any plans to publish it?

Home is best way for this.

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WOW! Your DPS is unbelievable. Can you share with me your stats and what trinkets you use?

Hello, I also think it’s a very good routine
But I have one more question… I noticed that sometimes spells like chakram or bestial wrath aren’t used for a very long time. How come? is that intentional or is something wrong with my settings? so it is not used on cd

Hi everyone, I’ve also tried the macro from Zerg and only get 38-40k. And when I read that the other macro can make up to 60k, how does that work???Pls Help

I’m feeling exactly the same as you~~

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@graven @Stephaniefhy
Off the shelf macros will only net you about 40%-60% effectiveness in DPS unless you tune them to your character.

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and if i will get higher ilvl this one i think i will switch.

ZergZerg, first, I want to thank you for the macro, it is definitely very close to my sims right now. I have been tuning my timer, and running at .200 right now which keeps it pretty smooth. Question: I am noticing that I am not firing off as many kill commands as my sim is saying I should be (sim has me a 50, running macro on raid dummy has me at 44ish). How do I get it to fire more kill commands? Do i need to add additional to macro or adjust timers again because my stats are better?

Crit 31
Haste: 18
Mastery 38

Thanks in advance

sim probably over use kill command and do not count 4set bonus in rotation, i think

Very good macro bro, ive made a little changes on my version but works as a charm, thank you very much !!

@Zerzerg , thank you for the macro, it’s a great job. I’m trying to tune up the macro with my char at the momment, i’m just curious to know how u guys getting the Lethal Command (4pc tier) uptime? I’m simming 42% and only getting 21%, i think it is the cause my dps is not getting higher.

Really good boss fights. But find aoe lack luster anyone having issue with aoe dps?

#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 2
#ifWinActive World of Warcraft
SetKeyDelay, 250 ; Keystroke is sent four times per second
IfWinExist Untitled – Notepad
Run Notepad
#ifWinActive World of Warcraft
While GetKeyState(“1”,“p”){
sleep 150ms
While GetKeyState(“2”,“p”){
sleep 150ms
While GetKeyState(“3”,“p”){
sleep 150ms

if you dont want 3 just remove where it starts with $3 to return