Calling Destro Locks

Ok guys i built this semi all in 1 macro from Macro Tool Kit and i need more people to test it out.
my talents are :

#showtooltip Immolate
/castsequence reset=5 Immolate,Conflagrate,Incinerate,Incinerate,Incinerate,Incinerate,Immolate,Incinerate
/castsequence [mod:shift] reset=60 !Sacrificial Pact,Cauterize Master,Ember Tap
/castsequence [mod:ctrl] Summon Terrorguard
/cast [mod:alt] Shadowburn
/use Healthstone
/cast Chaos Bolt
/cast Dark Soul: Instability
/targetenemy [noharm][dead] 

Yeah, Everything fires off really well in the macro! :slight_smile:

The mod/shift stuff is nice you got in there, But for me…I prefer manually pressing those myself. (I just em as they are needed, So I dont blow all my CDs at once.)

I guess we got so spoiled with the “O’S” in all these macros, It really simplified things for us and now we have to more/less go back to the way we did macros during cata/start of mop and its made things a pain! ha ha. :slight_smile:

But in answer to you post tho man, Yeah. I will use it myself at some point. My ilevel is 576 and it does very nice. Everyone has there own style of how they play.

I seem to like this one better tho.

The reason why I like it better? I just seem to get my crits to fire off better (As I can build up my embers and dark soul fires off really well.)

Thanks for posting. Hopefully as time goes on, We will get more into our macros and figure things out better to make em work even better! :slight_smile: