Protection Warrior GS (Newest) 8/17/15

Hello fellow gamers,

Thank you once again for waiting for these, I use this. You might want to change it to what you want but this is what I use…

UPDATED: 8/17/15
Talents: 2,1,2,3,2,1,3
Glyphs: Glyph of Resonating Power, Glyph of Cleave, Glyph of Unending Rage

Single Target:

Sequences['WstT'] = {
StepFunction = [[
	limit = limit or 1
	if step == limit then
		limit = limit % #macros + 1
		step = 1
		step = step % #macros + 1
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
	'/cast Charge',
	'/cast !Shield Slam',
	'/cast Revenge',
	'/cast !Execute',
	'/cast Dragon Roar',
	'/cast Heroic Strike',
	'/cast Devastate',
	'/cast !Shield Slam',
	'/cast Heroic Strike',
	'/cast !Shield Block',
	'/cast !Victory Rush',
	'/cast [combat] Berserker Rage',
	'/cast [combat] Blood Fury',
	'/cast [combat] Shield Charge',
PostMacro = [[
/cast Demoralizing Shout


Sequences['WtoshiT'] = {
StepFunction = [[
	limit = limit or 1
	if step == limit then
		limit = limit % #macros + 1
		step = 1
		step = step % #macros + 1
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
	'/cast [combat] Shield Wall',
	'/cast [combat] Last Stand',
	'/cast [combat] Demoralizing Shout',
	'/cast [combat] Spell Reflection',
	'/cast Berserker Rage',
	'/cast Devastate',
	'/cast Shield Slam',
	'/cast Charge',
	'/cast Thunder Clap',
	'/cast Shield Slam',
	'/cast !Victory Rush',
	'/cast Shield Block',
	'/cast Shield Barrier',
	'/cast Devastate',
	'/cast !Victory Rush',
PostMacro = [[
/cast [combat]13
/cast [combat]14

Make this macro for vig if you are using it for the other tank. Helps a lot.


#showtooltip Vigilance
/target (Put Tanks Name Here)
/cast !Vigilance

Thanks still working on the age, but single pretty much takes care of that also. Still working but here is what I use.


Can you make a st and aoe macro for gladiator ??? that would be awesome :slight_smile:

Jimmy Boy

[quote quote=23971]Hi
Can you make a st and aoe macro for gladiator ??? that would be awesome
Jimmy Boy


What talents and glyphs are you using beef?

[quote quote=23994]What talents and glyphs are you using beef?


I am still one of those “lobbies” but am wrecking damage meters as well as healing haha. The ones I am using now “which I am sure will change are”

Talents: 2,1,3,1,1,2,x
Glyphs: Resonating Power, Rude Interruption, Shield Slam.

Any updates for these Beef?


I am currently finishing up my Fury macros and then I will go back and finish up my Tank Macro for Prot warrior, I really appreciate your patience. Trying to get as many of these updated as I can so I do appreciate the waiting. I know it sucks, but these are not the easiest to make for 10 toons.

Thank you,

The new macros will be updated later today. I was in the hospital all weekend until yesterday so i am trying to catch up with everything. This new port macro works as port and is efficient and pretty nice also as Gladiator. I will try and get all of the new sequences up and running later today.

Thanks for your patience.

Hi Beef

Can this macros be used for BG and Arena???


wheres it at ;p

[quote quote=24592]wheres it at ;p

Does not get me to post this nor want to when asking like that…


Thanks again beef. As usual, you have out done yourself. Been using your macros since early MoP and i find myself looking exclusively for yours.


Unfortunately, I don’t see any benefit to this than a macro I had been using before. This one also has less control over your toon since ‘Charge’ is put at the forefront of the macro. Not to mention, you also got rid of 5% damage mitigation by not going with ‘Gladiator Stance’. Which is a big deal for anyone who mains a tank knows. So, for less mitigation of damage and just the same dps and threat generation, I will not use this macro as a tank. And for anyone who wants to be a great tank and not die too easily like I’ve recently seen happening to some warriors, don’t use this macro.

By the way, Beef, I’m not trying to say your macro sucks. I’m just saying that it’s not a good one for Prot warriors. Keep up the work though.



This is the current macro that I use and what I have currently researched from one of the best warriors on Icy Veins. I use this to tank normal and heroic and have no problem staying alive or the fact that charge is in it’s place for a reason. I love it for mobs when my taunt is on codlin and I need to quickly grab one off of my healers/players in raid. I don’t take offense at all with your statement but, stating people should not use this macro is kind of a little obvious statement saying that in fact this macro does suck :slight_smile: If you choose to use it great, it’s based on a majority of things and it’s what works best as I am testing. Another way to clarify your statement would be to post your macro in response to clarifying your statement and fix the mitigation sequence for your gladiator stance which I don’t use. I like the benefit of defensive stance for my current play style. I do appreciate your feedback though and I hope that you find a macro you are happy with. Happy gaming to you.

Thank you,

Hello Beef,

A few concerns on the macro you have posted.

On your main macro which will be used most of the time you have Heroic Strike in there which costs 30 rage per use unless Ultimatum has proc’d. As a long time prot warrior tank we function and survive mainly through active mitigation which utilizes rage as the resource to accomplish this. I would not put heroic strike in any prot macro. Heroic stike needs to only be utilized with the proc present on its own separate key-bind. Another minor critique is that you have shield charge at the bottom of the macro which is a glad stance only skill which has no need in there since a prot warrior will never use glad stance to tank under any circumstance even if spec’d into the Gladiator’s Resolve talent for the extra 5% damage reduction which I’m sorry to say any prot warrior doing progression will be spec’d into or Ravanger situationally.

My last minor critique is I would not put Charge in the macro. You may not ever accidentally target a wrong mob and charge into another big pack wiping a group or raid but others will with the macro with charge in there. Charge needs to be another separate key-bind much like heroic leap.

As far as your AOE/oh shit button. I would not suggest anyone use it. all it does is pop every cd you have immediately. You need control over when your cd’s are used to maximize your chance of survival. Thunder Clap’s off of cool down along with Mocking banner should snap most aggro and what is missed can be picked up with Vigilance.

This is not meant to be any bash on your Beef. Without people like you here posting macro’s many would be lost. I hope this does not come across like that. I’m simply giving feedback from someone who’s tanked and raided on a warrior for a while.

I tested your macros on a dummy rage is always low and it does not allow shield block to proc often enough. I made a few adjustments to your macro and it creates more rage and allows the shield blocks to proc off of cool down.

Your macro in its previous form seemed more like a dps oriented macro for a glad stance modified for prot.

Anyways here is the adjusted macro which I tried out and seems to work ok. Shield barrier/shield wall should be separate to use as needed with rage you have present. Any want even more control over Shield Block/barrier/wall simply remove them all and put them separate to spend rage on as you see fit.

Sequences['MYprotWar'] = {
StepFunction = [[
	limit = limit or 1
	if step == limit then
		limit = limit % #macros + 1
		step = 1
		step = step % #macros + 1
PreMacro = [[
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
	"/cast !Execute",
        "/cast !Shield Slam",
        '/cast Shield Slam',
        "/cast !Revenge",
        '/cast Revenge',
	'/cast Devastate',
	'/cast !Shield Block',
        '/cast Victory Rush',
        '/cast [combat] Bloodbath',
	'/cast [combat] Berserker Rage',
	'/cast [combat] Blood Fury',
	PostMacro = [[
/cast Dragon Roar
/cast Shockwave
/cast Storm Bolt
/castsequence Shield Slam, Revenge, Shield Slam, Revenge
/cast Demoralizing Shout
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide();
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1

Talents: 2,1,2,situational,3,situational(1 or 2 depending on fight mechanics),Situational (3 most of the time never be in glad stance 2 on some fights depending.)

Glyps: Cleave/Unending Rage 3rd is up to you.

Tested and tweaked on dummy for a while checking for skills firing off with weakauras I have. All fires off.

This is a Rage generating focused defensive macro. It’s goal is to keep your active mitigation up and keep rage up.

Only thing not tested on dummy is Victory rush but it should fire off.

Again I wish no offence to you Beef because I know you do much for the community around here.

Also if anyone swaps to storm bolt or shockwave you will need to swap Dragon Roar for that talent or add the other 2 skills into this macro or it will not work. <–This was fixed in my updated macro. You can use any of the talents and they will work now.

Hello All,

I just wanted to apologize to everyone for waiting so long for more updates, I have had some real life stuff happen that has taken me away from keeping up with my macros, I really appreciate all the the people trying to help one another on here in my absence. I will be updating almost all the macros for Aug/Sep as they have changed now that I am back. If you have messaged me I have tried to respond, and if you have posted on here and I have not I am sorry that I have not had the time to reach all of the comments and posts in each category on here. I do have a lot of macros for a ton of different classes and specs. Thank you again for your patience and i will do my best to have these all updated and running for everyone.

As always, regards and happy gaming.

Beef Wellington.


Non taken at all, I appreciate everyone stepping in and giving their opinion. Its all a community here of gamers not haters. We are all here for the same reason, to get the best most fun and accurate macros to game… So don’t worry about it at all.

Thank you for your post and all the best.


Thank you Beef Wellington & somenoob… good points, lots to try and ponder :slight_smile: Beef… I’ve been a lurking fan for a while ty ty ty so much! I hope you are feeling better sweets take care!!!

Thanks, and I do feel better, all updates for warriors are coming soon… Promise.
