6.0.2 windwalker monk PVE ( works with CD)

[quote quote=17518]Ok ive had a quick garrosh kill, i was a bit lower on the meters in postion than im used to but i think that had more too do with not controlling my AoE too well.

Hers my recount data.

Recount - Azaile's Hostile Attacks
      Ability          | Count |Damage | %
1. Melee               |270    |646494 |(21%)
2. Flurry of Xuen      |351    |456316 |(15%)
3. Fists of Fury       |50     |432395 |(14%)
4. Blackout Kick       |41     |392500 |(13%)
5. Rising Sun Kick     |28     |287584 |(10%)
6. Lightning Strike    |29     |211786 |(7%)
7. Jab                 |87     |144216 |(5%)
8. Spinning Crane Kick |238    |129745 |(4%)
9. Tiger Palm          |20     |101302 |(3%)
10.Touch of Death      |1      |98980  |(3%)
11.Touch of Karma (DoT)|38     |70450  |(2.3%)
12.Blackout Kick (DoT) |38     |36867  |(1.2%)
13.Mortal Wounds       |15     |0      |(0.0%)

Not listed: Xuen pet, did 350021 (10%) used it twice.

The fight lasted 250.53 seconds in total minus 62 seconds for intermission making it 188.53 seconds. This means blackout kick (dot) had just over 80% up time, which is decent enough. FoF seems to be much more powerful that it used to be, i only got it off a few times, i also totally forgot about chi wave.

My overall DPS for the 250.53 seconds was 14222, full buffs including multistrike and versatility, food, flask, pre-pot and pot.

Hope that helps.

also anyone go an AoE macro yet? i was using

#showtooltip spinning crane kick
/castsequence reset=0 0,0,chi wave
/castsequence reset=0 0,spinning crane kick
/castsequence reset=5 rising sun kick,tiger palm,blackout kick

which worked perfectly.

can u use reset=0 0,0 now

No you cant use 0,0. It shows up as an error.

And with this macro this is what i get:
Spell Count Damage
Blackout Kick 2 1941
Rising Sun Kick 1 1460
Melee 35 661
Jab 3 438

What is going wrong with mine? I cant seem to get it to work correctly.

After hours of testing I have come up with what I have found to be the very best macro I can make at this point.

/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=target Jab,Tiger Palm,Jab,Rising Sun Kick,Jab,Blackout Kick,Jab,Blackout Kick,Jab,Fists of Fury,Jab,Blackout Kick
/cast [nochanneling] !Energizing Brew
/cast [nochanneling] !Chi Wave

There are abilities that simply should never be used in a macro so I have left those out. I do use Ascension instead of Chi Brew with this macro because it flows way better even with over 30% haste. I pulled 17K dps on iron jug with this macro in 577 gear so it worked well in a raid environment. You can move FoF up in the rotation some if you want but I found it worked best in the spot I have it. I tested this on a target dummy for 30 minutes without any lock ups and I went a full raid clear with the same results. Give it a try and hopefully everyone likes it as much as I do.

It locks up pretty easy when you move between mobs. when u focus on just one target its not bad.

When you change targets it resets so it won’t lock up when you just change targets. If you swap between targets rapidly you can have issues but why on earth would you be doing that…

[quote quote=17518]Ok ive had a quick garrosh kill, i was a bit lower on the meters in postion than im used to but i think that had more too do with not controlling my AoE too well.

Hers my recount data.

Recount - Azaile's Hostile Attacks
      Ability          | Count |Damage | %
1. Melee               |270    |646494 |(21%)
2. Flurry of Xuen      |351    |456316 |(15%)
3. Fists of Fury       |50     |432395 |(14%)
4. Blackout Kick       |41     |392500 |(13%)
5. Rising Sun Kick     |28     |287584 |(10%)
6. Lightning Strike    |29     |211786 |(7%)
7. Jab                 |87     |144216 |(5%)
8. Spinning Crane Kick |238    |129745 |(4%)
9. Tiger Palm          |20     |101302 |(3%)
10.Touch of Death      |1      |98980  |(3%)
11.Touch of Karma (DoT)|38     |70450  |(2.3%)
12.Blackout Kick (DoT) |38     |36867  |(1.2%)
13.Mortal Wounds       |15     |0      |(0.0%)

Not listed: Xuen pet, did 350021 (10%) used it twice.

The fight lasted 250.53 seconds in total minus 62 seconds for intermission making it 188.53 seconds. This means blackout kick (dot) had just over 80% up time, which is decent enough. FoF seems to be much more powerful that it used to be, i only got it off a few times, i also totally forgot about chi wave.

My overall DPS for the 250.53 seconds was 14222, full buffs including multistrike and versatility, food, flask, pre-pot and pot.

Hope that helps.

also anyone go an AoE macro yet? i was using

#showtooltip spinning crane kick
/castsequence reset=0 0,0,chi wave
/castsequence reset=0 0,spinning crane kick
/castsequence reset=5 rising sun kick,tiger palm,blackout kick

which worked perfectly.

Didnt work, so i did a small adjustmnt, now its working, but i dont know how good it is

#showtooltip spinning crane kick
/castsequence reset=0 chi wave
/castsequence reset=1 , spinning crane kick
/castsequence reset=5 rising sun kick,tiger palm,blackout kick

Touch of death doesnt seem to want to fire for me?

here is one i have been working on still might need some tweeking let me know what you think

/castsequence reset=target Rushing Jade Wind, jab,!Rising Sun Kick,expel harm,Chi Wave,Tiger Palm,jab,Blackout Kick,Tiger Palm,jab,Tiger Palm,Rising Sun Kick,jab
/use Ring of Peace
/use [mod]touch of death

I’m sorry to be dense about all this (and maybe you can simply refer me to your article on ‘Macros for Dummies’ — lol). The question is about Touch of Death. I like the castsequence incorporating Chi Wave and Expel Harm; that works perfectly for me and my play style. And I have Xuen and ToK on separate keys as opportunistic casts. So I’m left with integrating Touch of Death into the macro or leaving it as a separate key. Right now I’ve got it glyphed to 3.5 minutes (maybe I shouldn’t). I tried the macro that has the castsequence followed by /use ToD, but ToD never procs … what’s with that?