Dual Frost DK, Works Flawlessly, Gnome Sequencer

This works awesome!

[quote quote=18394]Try this DW Frost macro

Sequences['frost'] = { 
	PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [combat]pillar of frost
	'/cast !Howling blast',
	'/cast !frost strike',
	'/castsequence reset=target plague strike, obliterate',	
PostMacro = [[
/cast crystal of insanity
/cast [combat]Blood Fury

Sequences['frostexe'] = { 
	PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [combat]pillar of frost
        '/cast !soul reaper',
	'/cast !Howling blast',
	'/cast !frost strike',
	'/castsequence reset=target plague strike, obliterate',	
PostMacro = [[
/cast crystal of insanity
/cast [combat]Blood Fury


Still not working worth a damn. using win 7 64 bit and have carefully done everything suggested so far. Anyone else?

Use Notepad++ to edit the files, the syntax/spacing has to be EXACT.
Or, just use this one combined with macros from this site/users. There is Ret/RetAOE and dual wield frost/execute macros in here.

I don’t believe this is a flawless macro, not at lvl 100 anyway, short fights on trash yeah works fine, however I finding that its frost striking way too often burning runic power then hanging, unable to do anything until a rune comes off cd on long boss fights, while I am not 100% on how the macro syntax works but if one could tweak it so its spacing out the frost strikes more, even by a little it may be a winner in the long term. resulting in a slight dps loss on short trash but a more stable run in the long term.

I am finding that my older non GS macro that lacks even oblit to maintain a steady ability cycle was topping charts in long fights compared to this, I see potential here though just if some one could ever explain how to get it so not fire FS as often that be awesome.

Yes it was the same issue I was running into, using the earlier patch ones was by far outstripping the dps of the Gnomesequencers, I reposted the two that were working the best for me as well, here is one by Todd works well,
#showtooltip Howling Blast
/targetenemy [noharm][noexists]
/castsequence reset=10/target Howling Blast, Plague Strike, Soul Reaper, Frost Strike, Howling Blast, Howling Blast, Frost Strike
/cast [combat] unholy blight
/cast [combat] Pillar of Frost
/cast [combat] Empower Rune Weapon

Can someone explain what is the purpose of ! in these macros? I never understood this.

    '/cast !soul reaper',
'/cast !Howling blast',
'/cast !frost strike',

[quote quote=19069]Can someone explain what is the purpose of ! in these macros? I never understood this.

    ‘/cast !soul reaper’,
‘/cast !Howling blast’,
‘/cast !frost strike’,


If the ability is a toggle (can be turned on/off) then the bang will make it so that it only turns on. Otherwise every time you use it the ability will be turned on, then off, then on… when you really just want to turn it on forever.

OK make sense. So essentially there is no reason for it to be there in this particular segment of the macro.


do i have to put the .LUA somewhere?

can me help please ? this macro works not in a german wow version

what is the difference between frost gs and frostexe gs. I see that on frostexe there is Soul Reaper added but i dont get it. Frostexe is for putting dot on the target only?

[quote quote=21035]what is the difference between frost gs and frostexe gs. I see that on frostexe there is Soul Reaper added but i dont get it. Frostexe is for putting dot on the target only?[/quote]FrostEXE = Execution stage. Basically when a boss is about to die, under 35/45% life you want to use Soul Reaper in your rotation.

[quote quote=18394]Try this DW Frost macro

Sequences['frost'] = { 
	PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [combat]pillar of frost
	'/cast !Howling blast',
	'/cast !frost strike',
	'/castsequence reset=target plague strike, obliterate',	
PostMacro = [[
/cast crystal of insanity
/cast [combat]Blood Fury

Sequences['frostexe'] = { 
	PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [combat]pillar of frost
        '/cast !soul reaper',
	'/cast !Howling blast',
	'/cast !frost strike',
	'/castsequence reset=target plague strike, obliterate',	
PostMacro = [[
/cast crystal of insanity
/cast [combat]Blood Fury



First timer on these forums and a total noob regarding Gs.
But i love this macro,But i wonder how do i get Blood tap in there?



I have a couple of questions, when you said that the !Howling Blast toggles does this mean you have to toggle it with a keybinding or how does that happen? Also the Frostexe part, does this happen auto or do you have to do it manually? Sorry if these are basic questions but I am trying to understand all of these macros.

I use an auto key masher with my macro’s. If I use this with it will this one run and cycle through completely without any kind of “shift, alt or ctrl”?


The macro works but if i spam it for 2 sec it will say spell not ready yet item not ready yet ect ect.

maybe i am doing it wrong but its a 1 marco button to spam right?

[quote quote=22276]Hi
First timer on these forums and a total noob regarding Gs. But i love this macro,But i wonder how do i get Blood tap in there?

I have this macro on 1 and Blood Tap on 2 so I can fire it off as needed. That way it’s not wasted on some trash and I can control when the charges are used.

BTW - this is how the OP’s GS macro should look in the sequences.lua

(All of the apostrophes in the original post were posted with the wrong symbol; that’s probably why they didn’t work.)

local _, Sequences = ... -- Don't touch this

Sequences['Dual'] = { 
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
	'/cast Soul Reaper',
	'/cast Plague Strike',
	'/cast Frost Strike',
	'/cast Pillar of Frost',
	'/cast Anti-Magic Shell',
	'/cast Howling Blast',
	'/cast Obliterate',
	'/cast Blood Tap',
PostMacro = [[

I also added “startattack” just to make sure autoattack initiates.

Try copy and pasting from here to your sequences.lua files.

Sequences[‘Dual’] = {
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
‘/cast Soul Reaper’,
‘/cast Plague Strike’,
‘/cast Frost Strike’,
‘/cast Pillar of Frost’,
‘/cast Anti-Magic Shell’,
‘/cast Howling Blast’,
‘/cast Obliterate’,
‘/cast Blood Tap’,
PostMacro = [[

Do you hawe an AoE Macro to ?


I got a stupid question but when do you use blood tap? As soon as it reaches 5 stacks? Because my macro always gets stuck on cooldowns.


[quote quote=24674]Hello,
I got a stupid question but when do you use blood tap? As soon as it reaches 5 stacks? Because my macro always gets stuck on cooldowns.

If you use Blood Tap it is a good idea to map that spell to its own key. Does not work well with GS. I use BT in Tank spec and works well when I control it. Or yo can also try a modifier (/cast [mod] Blood Tap)