Legion Enh

Ok, so I ran a few different dummies. All for 5 minutes each

First, this is the link to my character to see what I have equipped, 695 iLvl

First round: Single target Dummy in the garrison.
Using Ancestral Swiftness
5:19 fight time
25.4k dps

Top attacks:

  1. Boulderfist-70 hits
  2. stormstrike- 44 hits
    3 attack- 277 hits

Second round Same dummy
Using Hailstorm
5:03 Fight time
27k DPS

Top attacks:

  1. Boulderfist-61 hits
  2. Hailstorm- 296 hits
  3. Stormstrike- 35 hits
  4. Attack- 239 hits

3rd Round- Two Targets Org Raiders Dummy
Hailstorm (Since it worked so well)
5:03 Fight time
34k DPS

4th Round- Three dummies in Asharan
5:16 Fight Time
41k DPS

Just so you have some ideas.

Also, tweeked the macro just a bit, noticing stormstrike wasn’t being hit as fast as I wanted it to since switching to GS-E, So I added a different step function into the GS-e, I didn’t know if it would work at first, but eventually got it to work, it works better than the “GSStaticPriority” at least when dealing with proc’s So updated macro looks like this

<pre>Sequences['enhSTFrostbrand'] = {
author = "Rocktris",
helpTxt = "Talents are 3213112",
specID = 263,
StepFunction = GSStaticPriority,
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
'/cast Stormstrike',
'/cast Boulderfist',
'/cast Crash Lightning', 
'/castsequence Flametongue, Frostbrand',
'/cast Feral Spirit',
PostMacro = [[
/cast [combat] Doom Winds

Hope everyone is still enjoying :slight_smile: Thanks again for all the love! And since I noticed Hailstorm was doing better, I went back to it rather than Ancestral Swiftness.

Thanks for this Rocktris

I know what GS is but what is GS-E?

nvm i see it’s a new addon

Rocktris…have you been getting better results using GS over GSE? Because what you have after Stepfunction, I have no idea what is going on there. Did your macro seem to work better with regular GS?

StepFunction = [[
		stepa = "12123123412345"

		limit = string.len(stepa) or 1
		if stepc == nil then
			stepc = 1
		if stepc >= limit then
			stepc = 1
			stepc = stepc + 1
		step = tonumber(strsub (stepa, stepc, stepc))

This is just a really long way to write

StepFunction = GSStaticPriority,

Its what we had to do before GS-E

GSStaticPriority is defined in https://github.com/TimothyLuke/GnomeSequenced-Enhanced/blob/master/GS-Core/startup.lua#L136 and is a fraction different. THis one is 1 2 123 1234 12345 where GSStaticPriority is 1 12 123 1234 12345

[quote quote=31553]I know what GS is but what is GS-E?
nvm i see it’s a new addon

The really short answer is that GS-E is a rewrite of GS to be more user friendly and to work in other languages than enUS. Its essentially GS but the E parts are aimed at taking away a lot of the things that frustrated the less technical people. ie I have a friend that understood macros but couldnt get his head around GS.

[quote quote=31592]Rocktris…have you been getting better results using GS over GSE? Because what you have after Stepfunction, I have no idea what is going on there. Did your macro seem to work better with regular GS?

after reading TimothyLukes post, and reading up on the stepfuctions, I didn’t realize that was what the static priority was, just didn’t seem to hit stormstrike as fast as I wanted it to. But after running more test they are about the same. So it just depends on if you are using GS or GSE. I will be fixing my macro to just use GSStaticpriority.

Thanks for clearing that up for me, Still new to making macros myself, I love trying to make better than what I find macros. I am glad this one has worked out so well. Wish I could say the same for my warrior macro.

why not Ascendance? and ty for the macro works well :slight_smile:

[quote quote=31343]Here is the GS-E version:

Sequences['enhST'] = {
author = "Rocktris",
helpTxt = "Talents are 3212112",
specID = 263,
StepFunction = GSStaticPriotity
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
'/castsequence Boulderfist',
'/cast Stormstrike',
'/cast Crash Lightning', 
'/castsequence Flametongue, Frostbrand',
'/cast Feral Spirit',
PostMacro = [[
/cast [combat] Doom Winds
/cast [combat] Astral Shift

This macro will not work...
"GSStaticPriotity" is mispelled.
Should be "GSStaticPriority"

[quote quote=31996]why not Ascendance? and ty for the macro works well ???

I used Icyveins when I was debating between the two.

"Landslide Icon Landslide is currently a very strong choice. This talent provides you with a permanent 8% increase to Agility, which is head and shoulders above the alternatives. Ascendance Icon Ascendance is a slightly weaker option on full length encounters, but offers strong burst and good synergy with Maalus, the Blood Drinker Icon Maalus, the Blood Drinker, making it a strong contender on shorter encounters.

Earthen Spike Icon Earthen Spike is very weak currently and should never be talented."

Hey, been using Rocktris macro and it works good, i removed the feral spirit, since i like to be in control of my CDs. but it keeps maxing out my Maelstrom Bar… i can just use Lava Lash when i get to 100-130 ish but wondering put lava lash or frostbrand in it… to make it even better but atm its working fine. anyone else have it sat for a key holddown macro? i been testing what ms it should push the macro. so far around 150-250 seems to be best anyone else got the timing down ? that wanna share.

For me mashing keys best is 130ms ( 0.13 sec )

No misses, and have never been disconected.

Did some testing with this, and using the triple raid dummy in Org, so some AoE damage of course was included, I sustained at about 105k DPS, with burst in the beginning as high as 150k DPS.

This is at level 109, and iLvl 775. I don’t have any burst trinkets to use either.

Did the test for 2 minutes, so it was a single rotation of Feral Spirit, with 2 Procs of Doom Winds.

Hey first of all thank you so much for the great macro .
But i was wondering if there is a way to make feral lunge be included ive tried editing and adding it into the macro in the pre post and actual body with no success any help with that would be awsome :slight_smile: .

[quote quote=32827]Hey first of all thank you so much for the great macro . But i was wondering if there is a way to make feral lunge be included ive tried editing and adding it into the macro in the pre post and actual body with no success any help with that would be awsome ??? .

<pre>Sequences['enhSTFrostbrand'] = {
author = "Rocktris",
helpTxt = "Talents are 3213112",
specID = 263,
StepFunction = GSStaticPriority,
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
'/cast Stormstrike',
'/cast Boulderfist',
'/cast [combat] Crash Lightning', 
'/castsequence Flametongue, Frostbrand',
'/cast [combat] Feral Spirit',
PostMacro = [[
/cast [combat] Doom Winds
/cast Feral Lunge

I just tested this, and it works for adding feral lunge

ok I did some testing, and found a way from capping out on maelstorm and not starving on maelstorm. my latest version of the macro has frostbrand in it as well.

<pre>Sequences['enhSTFrostbrand'] = {
author = "Rocktris",
helpTxt = "Talents are 3213112",
specID = 263,
StepFunction = GSStaticPriority,
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
'/cast Stormstrike',
'/cast Boulderfist',
'/cast [combat] Crash Lightning', 
'/castsequence Flametongue, Frostbrand, Lava Lash',
'/cast [combat] Feral Spirit',
PostMacro = [[
/cast [combat] Doom Winds

after further testing to see if it is an improvement or not, I found that Lava Lash just takes away from stromstrike’s DPS. two 3 min segments, one of each, I found that with lava lash it does 61.6k dps, and was starved a few times when stormstrike proc’ed multiple times in a row. as were without lava lash, 61.9k dps and stromstrike was never an issue. I did cap on maelstorm but not for long. I think I personally am going to leave it out, but feel free to test it some yourself, let me know if you get different results, but I am thinking RNG.