Marksman Hunter Patch 7.0.3 (27/7/'16)

Great job on the Macros, I got a question. For solo world playing I’d like to use Black Arrow so I have something else drawing aggro off of me as I am lvling a MM Hunter… Where should I add that into your Macro? and how many times??

I also have a question, Tim. Would it be possible to make a crow macro in the place of the barrage one, and how would I go about it ?
I replaced Barrage with Murder of Crows, but it didn’t seem to work. It’s just that sometimes, with all the care in the world, I sometimes pick up a bit more than I can chew…

[quote quote=32603]I also have a question, Tim. Would it be possible to make a crow macro in the place of the barrage one, and how would I go about it ? I replaced Barrage with Murder of Crows, but it didn’t seem to work. It’s just that sometimes, with all the care in the world, I sometimes pick up a bit more than I can chew……

Sequences['MmNineties'] = {
specID = 254,
author = "Ðarkramz",
helpTxt = "Talents: 1, 1, ?, 3, ?, 2, 1",
StepFunction = GSStaticPriority,
PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
	'/cast [nochanneling,talent:6/2] Barrage; [nochanneling,talent:6/1] A Murder of Crows',
	'/castsequence [nochanneling,talent:7/1] Sidewinders,Marked Shot',
	'/cast [nochanneling,talent:6/2] Barrage; [nochanneling,talent:6/1] A Murder of Crows',
PostMacro = [[
	/cast [nochanneling,talent:6/2] Barrage; [nochanneling,talent:6/1] A Murder of Crows



MmNineties should work now, make a typo in the postmacro part

This is wonderful, works a treat…
I don’t suppose you could create something similar for BeastMaster, that is, a two button type macro…
A big thank you in advance!

Tim Roeleveld. I want to nominate these macros for the HP macro set. After you have double checked it of course, since legion has been live for a couple of weeks and weapons are upgraded now.

Oops, forget what I asked for found it inside your macro pack, thanks…
Again wonderful stuff, thanks Tim.

has this been updated recently? Curious what people are pulling now? I’m using a different macro currently but I’d like to trust the darkramz ones more. Would love to know what kind of dps folks are pulling with these now.


[quote quote=36732]has this been updated recently? Curious what people are pulling now? I’m using a different macro currently but I’d like to trust the darkramz ones more. Would love to know what kind of dps folks are pulling with these now.

Just tried this out today, so far its the best working one. On a dummy i got 220k dps over a 3 min timeframe. Added in murder of crows. ilvl 866 24% crit, 19% haste, 22% mastery.

Hello, I had to reinstall my macros and addons for gnome, but now when I try to add Blood Fury to this macro it don’t work. It tells me I can’t do the now and the rest dosen’t go off. HELP?

[quote quote=38316]Hello, I had to reinstall my macros and addons for gnome, but now when I try to add Blood Fury to this macro it don’t work. It tells me I can’t do the now and the rest dosen’t go off. HELP?

Try adding it to the PreMacro line.

That’s where I added it, and it’s not working. It stops everything.