Shadow Priest 6.0.2 ONE BUTTON Macros - 2 variations on builds 100%

here is a heals i use hope it helps

/target [yourtoonname]
/castsequence reset=0.4 flash heal,!power word: shield
/castsequence reset=45 Psychic Scream
/castsequence reset=120 Desperate Prayer

thanks guys once again for updating and posting your additions. It saves me a ton of time :slight_smile: Nice work on the updates by the way and thanks for adding the heal macro. Glad to know you guys are using the foundation and its helped :slight_smile:

@ Ball73
/target [yourtoonname] ------> /target self
Easier like this.
Thanks Brad and thanks all for the great help on macros.

Thanks for this, this still works in 6.0.3 btw.

what speed do people have? i’m currently at a 618 ilevel and I get out dps’d by everyone >.>

that could be from a ton of different factors ?? gear,length of target is alive,the fact that shadow priest is a lil low on the dps end to begin with … How much of a gap are we talking compared to someone with the same item level as you ?? idealy the faster you can press the button the better and if you use a auto clicker or moue software try to keep the speed around your world latency

So within this post there are your first 2 macros then an update you went to switchbar macro then another persons update of your macro. Just update original post to the changes ? it’s a little confusing to new people. Thanks none the less, still very helpful

I agree it can be a lil confusing… Although any update or re-post i do it is to ensure a working macro, and it is what i currently use in game. I am working on revamping all of my macros and fine tuning them and will be posting them in the near future as my main focus at this time is getting my toons raid ready for the 3rd of Dec :slight_smile: SO hang in there guys and gals they are coming :slight_smile:

Okay, I just noticed that I got a warforged heroic wand and the macro kinda breaks. He just seems to want to use ranged weapon skill and not want to cast the rotation :frowning:

I wonder if it s the auto attack feature and the wands that are messing it up? you are not the only one who has said that? I figured it just might have been a visual glitch… I will have to test that out at some point today.

Brad is there a way to make a single button macro that fires of Mind Blast, Mind Spike and Cascade ?

I have

/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=target Mind Spike
/cast !Mind Blast
/use [combat,nochanneling] 14
/use [combat,nochanneling] 13

just for building and I do the rest manually but can’t find a way to add in Cascade to it and I don’t want to do a /Castsequence Cascade,Mind Blast, Mind Spike, and so on because I only use the macro I made for building and it would mess up the rotation when changing targets, would just be better if it could cast my Cascade on CD too.

Any help would be appreciated :slight_smile: ty

any update?

when i started using this macro, things worked great, however, since yesterdays patch, I continue to get DC’d.

Sorry guys. I have been busy with the grind of leveling my toons. I have gone back to a swap bar for the priests. I found it more reliable and stable. There is a thread in the forums where you can find it. should be close to this one on the list. :slight_smile:

[quote quote=19768]Sorry guys. I have been busy with the grind of leveling my toons. I have gone back to a swap bar for the priests. I found it more reliable and stable. There is a thread in the forums where you can find it. should be close to this one on the list.

I agree Brad, swap bar macros create less problems… a little finicky setting things up, but so reliable when all is said and done. :slight_smile:

Here’s my latest crack at the new CoP rotation:

I’m only pulling 6k with this macro :(. what kind of dps are ya’ll pullin?

Here is one that I made a few changes too:

#showtooltip Mind Flay
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [noform] !Shadowform
/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=target Shadow Word: Pain,Vampiric Touch,Mind Flay,Mind Flay,Mind Flay,Mind Flay
/castsequence Mind Blast,Mind Blast,Mind Blast,Devouring Plague
/cast [combat] Shadowfiend
/cast [nochanneling, combat] Halo
/cast [nochanneling, combat] Vampiric Embrace
/cast !Shadow Word: Death
/cast !Mind Spike

Hey guys - first off thanks for these macros as they are helping me a lot. Just wondering why halo never seems to cast. Maybe its something I am doing wrong - any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.