6.0.3 Combat GS

This isn’t the greatest I am sure someone can make it better, but for now this is what I use for single and aoe. I pop most CD’s manually so I have more control.


Sequences["CombatST"] = {
	PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cancelaura Blade Flurry
	[[/castsequence reset=20 Revealing Strike,Sinister Strike,Slice and Dice,Sinister Strike,Sinister Strike,Sinister Strike,Eviscerate]],


Sequences["CombatAOE"] = {
	PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/castsequence Blade Flurry,null
	[[/castsequence reset=20 Revealing Strike,Sinister Strike,Slice and Dice,Sinister Strike,Sinister Strike,Sinister Strike,Eviscerate]],
	[[/cast [combat] Killing Spree

Messed the AOE one up so here it is.

Sequences["CombatAOE"] = {
	PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/castsequence Blade Flurry,null
	[[/castsequence reset=20 Revealing Strike,Sinister Strike,Slice and Dice,Sinister Strike,Sinister Strike,Sinister Strike,Eviscerate]],
	[[/cast [combat] Killing Spree]],

Here’s what I have so far and they work really well. I tried my hardest to get it to cast blade flurry in the aoe macro. But had no success :confused:

Sequences["CRST"] = {
	PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cancelaura Blade Flurry
/cast [nocombat,nostealth] stealth
/stopattack [stealth]
/startattack [nostealth]
/cast [stealth] ambush
	'/castsequence reset=target Revealing Strike,Sinister Strike,Sinister Strike,Sinister Strike,Eviscerate',
	'/castsequence reset=target Slice and Dice,Recuperate,null',
	'/cast Sinister Strike',
	PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14
Sequences["CRAE"] = {
	PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [nocombat,nostealth] stealth
/stopattack [stealth]
/startattack [nostealth]
/cast [stealth] ambush
	'/castsequence reset=target Revealing Strike,Sinister Strike,Sinister Strike,Sinister Strike,Crimson Tempest',
	'/castsequence reset=target Slice and Dice,Recuperate,null',
	'/cast Sinister Strike',
	PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14

I got blade furry to come up without toggling and i made a few others

didn’t do much with this one but removed recuperate I also made it where if you stop the macro for one second it will refresh SND.

Sequences["CRST"] = {
	PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cancelaura Blade Flurry
/cast [nocombat,nostealth] stealth
/stopattack [stealth]
/startattack [nostealth]
/cast [stealth] ambush
	'/castsequence reset=target Revealing Strike,Sinister Strike,Sinister Strike,Sinister Strike,Eviscerate',
	'/castsequence reset=1 Slice and Dice,null',
	'/cast Sinister Strike',
	PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14

This one i made for poping CD’s I tested on dummy it should do killing spree once it completes it will pop AD and continue with the rotation.

Sequences["Rogueboss"] = {
	PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cancelaura Blade Flurry
/cast [nocombat,nostealth] stealth
/stopattack [stealth]
/startattack [nostealth]
/cast [stealth] ambush
        '/castsequence Killing Spree,null',
	'/castsequence reset=target Revealing Strike,Sinister Strike,Sinister Strike,Sinister Strike,Eviscerate',
	'/castsequence reset=1 Slice and Dice,null',
	'/cast Sinister Strike',
        '/cast Adrenaline Rush',
	PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14

This one all i did was make it bring up Blade Flurry without cancelling it out

Sequences["CRAE"] = {
	PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast [nocombat,nostealth] stealth
/stopattack [stealth]
/startattack [nostealth]
/cast [stealth] ambush
        '/castsequence !Blade Flurry',
	'/castsequence reset=target Revealing Strike,Sinister Strike,Sinister Strike,Sinister Strike,Crimson Tempest',
	'/castsequence reset=target Slice and Dice,null',
	'/cast Sinister Strike',
	PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14

[quote quote=18808]

Sequences["Rogueboss"] = {
	PreMacro = [[
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cancelaura Blade Flurry
/cast [nocombat,nostealth] stealth
/stopattack [stealth]
/startattack [nostealth]
/cast [stealth] ambush
        '/castsequence Killing Spree,null',
	'/castsequence reset=target Revealing Strike,Sinister Strike,Sinister Strike,Sinister Strike,Eviscerate',
	'/castsequence reset=1 Slice and Dice,null',
	'/cast Sinister Strike',
        '/cast Adrenaline Rush',
	PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14

After a second test the one for boss dps isn’t firing off correctly ill have to play with this and re-post. If you just want one firing CDs off its fine but my goal is to get killing spree to complete then move on may not be possable but ill see what i can do.

this is dosent work