3 Button Feral PvP 8.3 - Melee Shapeshifting!

EDITED 5/27/2020 - should be up to date now! That said hail me if something is not working, because Im not in game much to properly test the current state :wink:

Hi everyone.

First I’d like to say thank you all for the macros, and a HUGE THANK YOU to the people who have posted them here: I have stolen everything contained in these versions, but over such a long period that I don’t even now who to credit for their origins.

If you are one of those people, all I can say is you have my sincere gratitude; without you WoW would not be enjoyable to me in any measure like it has been since I found GSE. (I don’t say that lightly. I am a vanilla player who was stuck in the auction house for WAY too long).

I’ve been a regular on this site for about three years, but never posted anything; just an end user. About six months ago I started tinkering with the macros for myself, and about four months ago it got kinda serious. In the last two months tho I have really begun maining one toon - my melee druid. At about the same time I have fallen head over heels in love with open world pvp.

Here is what I am using now, and I feel like it is polished enough to release it to you guys; not too certain how much * I * will be able to improve on it, but I hope it doesnt get abandoned even if I go afk for a few months.

This macro if for a free form melee shapeshifter. I stack Versatility as much as I can get, except for the weapon enchant sometimes. The system will work with any gear tho, if you are using it outside of the PvP venue. I also use the Conflict and Strife essence in my main slot, because Thorns is so useful to melee.

In the PvP Talent Tree, I use Adaptation, Freedom of the Herd, Leader of the Pack, and Heart of the Wild if I am in Kitty spec. The same macros will work tho if you are in Guardian instead. For that I use Relentless, Master Shapeshifter, Demoralizing Roar, Den Mother. I you use Bear spec instead of Kitty, you will need to change out “Thorns” for just the generic “Heart Essence” command, and also change “Enraged Maul” to just “Maul”

I dont know if GSE will automatically susbtitute those answers or not, but it seems to in some cases.

I try to be as useful to the group as possible, instead of focusing on my own numbers; that said, I tried to build this system to be usable in ALL environments, including solo questing.

Im not a great player; I dont handle choosing what to do in the thick of battle well. But, I have compensated, like a lot of you, by learning a LOT about how my abilities work together.

3 buttons: each will auto take you to that animal form. The Third Macro I will have to post in a follow up post because “new users are only allowed to link two items” even tho we druids flow freely between many ideas :wink:

  1. 3B_CAT (1322123 if you are in cat spec) will auto-stealth you, target a 100% target nearby, and then pounce with Wild Charge. The progression should be enough to keep you in energy and a few finishing points at all times, with one sure fire 5 point finishing move. It also auto-triggers Ferocious Bite and Regrowth when they are available (no, it wont take you out of cat form for regrowth).


Usage Information
3 button auto-pilot for pvp: free-form melee shapeshifting between bear, cat, and panic buttons. One macro for each: 3B_Bear, 3B_CAT, and 3B_DEE.

This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.5.8.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Sequential

Pre Macro: Shred, Ferocious Bite

KeyPress: Prowl, Cat Form

Main Sequence: Swipe, Mass Entanglement, Feral Frenzy, Wild Charge, Maim, Rake, Reaping Flames, Thrash, Shred, Stampeding Roar, Skull Bash, Primal Wrath, Berserk, Tiger’s Fury

KeyRelease: Regrowth

`Preformatted text`
  1. 3B_BEAR (3322123 if you are in bear spec) decent damage, but also good survivability. Trying to stay in the fight and buff my allies with the 15% stamina boost that I give them all, plus a LOT of utiIity moves. If you have a Clearcasting up and have just come over from cat form, then it should cast Regrowth.


Usage Information
3 button auto-pilot for pvp: free-form melee shapeshifting between bear, cat, and panic buttons. One macro for each: 3B_Bear, 3B_CAT, and 3B_DEE.

This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.5.8.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Priority

Pre Macro: Mangle, Thrash

KeyPress: Bear Form

Main Sequence: Swipe, Mass Entanglement, Heart Essence, Wild Charge, Mangle, Frenzied Regeneration, Skull Bash, Thrash, Survival Instincts, Lunar Beam, Maul, Stampeding Roar

KeyRelease: Regrowth

`Preformatted text`
  1. 3B_DEE (“1322123” if in Cat spec, in bear spec “1322231”) The PANIC button. When my health hits about 35% then I spam this immediately, at least in PvP. It starts with Barkskin, so you will be able to use the other abilities if they are off cooldown even if you are stunned. Once it’s all blown, go back to the other spec you rely on, tho if you needed this one, I suggest Bear form til you are stabilized.


Usage Information
1322231 in 3B_bear: 1322123 in 3B_cat: 3332132 almost always tho

3 button auto-pilot for pvp: free-form melee shapeshifting between bear, cat, and panic buttons. One macro for each: 3B_Bear, 3B_CAT, and 3B_DEE.

This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.5.8.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Sequential

Pre Macro: Thrash

KeyPress: Bear Form

Main Sequence: Stampeding Roar, Ironfur, Demoralizing Roar, Barkskin, Lunar Beam, Incapacitating Roar, Frenzied Regeneration

KeyRelease: Regrowth

Post Macro: Survival Instincts

`Preformatted text`

Also: and I’d just like to point out - shifting between forms in combat breaks you out of things that stun you in place - it is SUPER useful in PvP!

That said, I suspect you may have come to this thread thinking I was going to use King of the Jungle. Nope. The Cooldown is super long. I dont switch between forms willy nilly anyway … if a pvp fight needs me to get tanky, then I switch, but usually the cat is fine for everyday stuff. And I always have DEE in my back pocket in case the **** hits the fan.


EDIT to 3B_Bear and 3B_DEE … esp if you are using these in Bear spec - I ran some trials and found I did about 20% more dps if I changed some of the talents

3B_Bear is now 3322132 if using cat as the back-up, or 3332132 if you arent going to use the kitty form and go straight Bear spec with it.

The new 3B_Bear is as follows:

d8tGdaqzshgXlrkAxqQ61uG1jiMjsH3Ik1SfvNgk3ev0Ve42qvltQ2je7v1Urz)k(jQG)IkzCqYarQYqbPgSsdhuDqbvddehJQoUiAHOQLkclgKSCHEiQqpf4Xe9CknrkKPkstgsz6sUifQRcPINjLRJKnIuPTcPsBgQSDKQ6CuHzjktJI8DKsgjsfFJkA0uuFguCsbLBHuQRjiDEqP7sbTnQ0Vj89p9i(dA8CXBC4jos)PhKsYvwzpO169ERFGrkocvEDe)b0rZHFqBwOOQsWMLqvcAdhlxuZIteNfo9HhYS4IQsBCIi(zXR5QoR1mbUAnJHRWyWmluArlvzZcLsIzZkjv2SegAZcNWWKZcfvvcMf9ZYbMolEImkMfNioRsKMdz2gpx8kjMnBJNlogEA2SegAZ245YiJng9haGRYWm6iE)bHtvMfXdmctQWj0IEGseXhjWOhWjrgfORgTycM9PhX)0J4piqsSLvtsPmPoBR5W7mBwpexuT(r6heij2YQjPuMuN1dXfvZr2SDhUDiOYM1dPBY7mBwxFR5EK2bbsITSAskLj1z9q6TqDKnBVJYupBwpexuoqDetheij2YQjPuMuNT7BoDnLnB33C6A6iHEqGKylRMKszsDwxuqCEe3dcKeBnl30d6CcSA0Wz7qmbX19aAieWPbgES6a)bqlSfNezu80xhqhLG25parLgC(d41868hKaJbJ)8hKgXygOL)8hKgXygOv)8hqtf2eAUsS6tpI)GaPGzf56SeQsqXSMXWvZc5i9dcKeBnlkhn3J0oiqkywrUolHQeumRzmC1S(xhqtfwOJQ1(0J4piqMJjny2WsWbe6Iojos)GGIeHrlLP4HDwUzcZKiEd5gnLGMHhPDqGKyRz5MjWjI4dXB4SHAcLZxhKaJbt)8hWrbEOi15pa6OYjrgfp9i(dcKeBz1KuktQZ6H4IQ1ZMT1C4D(6aqPWPlftwyc2bqhXerSc2xVoGtcJIKhgR0i9vwHjyN)1RFaUsage Information
3 button auto-pilot for pvp: free-form melee shapeshifting between bear, cat, and panic buttons. One macro for each: 3B_Bear, 3B_CAT, and 3B_DEE.

This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.5.3.

This is is particularly good for a straight Bear use.

3B_DEE is now 3322132 if using cat at the back-up, 3332132 if you are straight Bear, and still 1322123 if kitty with bear back-up

3B_Cat is unchanged at the moment but I am tinkering with it

the new 3B_DEE is as follows

daKCdaaljXTqqTles)IKggi6yOSmKEgvMMuvxtI02GIVrGXjrDocY6aj3dbQbkvjheHyHq1dreMii1fru2icKrIq5KiuTsjIxIizMisDtev7eIFIaAOsOwQe0tvmvPYwrq6Tia3fbXEv9xjPbl6WalMqEmvnzcQlR0MbvFgegnH60q61sGztIBdL2nP(nQgoOCCPk1YLYZjA6cxxsTDerFxc58svSFkF27oc7JdVk0Kr2rOV7thqz1H8dZrPuhRILmhLYOUkw6CokZr)a9chuRehH9HyRcSpmhLsDmlr1w6WRkAbnOSK5Oug1zjQ2shEvpiGYsNZrzoQLafSCzyjqPiqpsldXCReReNLIQJGRTeuhCcddvHhwcN3SegjHbLLWB7sy48gwlXUk7APuma2kfJcpq1qyPOnkAxTLIwqRILEquXsGwylHb0OElfvhbxljQLeOETelW34wcN3SCbEXqzPdVk(cAvS0HxLeePRILaTWw6WRcnzKruRKpePoeZBFGg1VWaf1Rj4nSnae7Nb26jo0hHX(qoW34e62KOCT8DhH9UJW(O6bYWslBRCdc2ZXkcewAjLwMrpc9JQhidlzcrHSm7iUpQEGmSKczFiXG5i9)O6bYWskTCF6rk9JQhidlfsOJG5JQhidlPqYWGP)re8r1dKHLceiad7dP5CyKgflA8H9PRHQlyd2X)qSfi8X)GS(co(h8vjo(Ncr1qWo(hsWXkceh)ZelmcQw7duU(ZS9UE1bkq5tHOAiOh)dP2EkUTs57oc7JQhidljanhoVHfkgHyzP9ll4i0pQbObXgwkxf4p(umxgKd8n(7oc7JQhidlXWComp(01q1fSb94FkUTKd8n(7oc7JQhidlfiqqPLF8HuBpfUklqUV7iSpQEUwYvwlb1bVwlfJcpSeYJq)O6bYWYYc5WCe3hvpxl5kRLG6GxRLIrHhwsF84XhYb6AGcX1X2i5QduU(4pE8dUsage Information
1322231 in 3B_bear: 1322123 in 3B_cat: 3332132 almost always tho

I will try it as soon as I can and report back of my findings!

This seems to be working well for me, thanks! I did want to make sure I was using it properly. Do I use either the cat or the bear macro depending on my spec, and the dee one as well, or can all three be used on a single spec? I mostly use cat. Also, what about using Sabertooth instead of Predator? I mostly PVE, but I do want to get into PVP.

Thank you so much!

Hi Lyrical, sorry for the slow reply.

The macros are designed to use all at once - I have three keybinds set up 1. cat, 2. bear, and 3, dee. Basically, dps, tank, and panic. It is meant for cat main, with bear when you need to be tanky while you are cat specced.

Using the alt of the Bear macro like I said in the descriptions means having some different pvp talents and such, so takes some tweaking - that is, if you are going straight bear with the dps as your secondary.

Again, I apologize for the slow reply - I haven’t been a fan of 8.3 so I’ve been playing a lot of a strategy game lately (I binge whatever I play it seems).

'Hope that helps!

Oh about PvE vs PvP setup … these work fine for PvE too :slight_smile: they will just ignore the PvP talents that are in the macro.

Some people like Sabertooth, yeah. Just as Cat, I tried to set this up so I had a lot of energy available.

Sabertooth is set up to queue with Primal Wrath - so the two together are synergetic :slight_smile:

But yeah, feel free to tinker with it all - I learned all I know about these by tinkering with other people’s builds!

Thank you! I seem to be getting better damage with Sabertooth, so I may stick with that for a bit.

These macros changed my life and completely revived my love for WoW Please, please for me and everyone else don’t stop working on these beautiful masterpieces.

Which one is for feral? and also where do i put primal wrath?

Thank you for your work.
The macros are AWESOME. Work very good in pve and pvp…

Thank you for your time.

Have a nice day

Thank you for this macro! Finally i can go kitty again! :smiley: Keep up the good work!

What azerite powers are infused in your neck? Enhancements to focus on? Being a feral main.

Hey guys, like I said in the original post I often take several weeks time off of Wow for other games, mostly strategy games… annnnnd I’ve done so recently.

That said, let me try and answer what I have missed here lately.

@Breezy467_11623 On Neck essences - main: Breath of the dying - Other 3: Memory of Lucid Dreams, Purification Protcol, Crucible of Flame

On azerite Powers: 1st stack as much Jungle Fury as you can; 2. Gushing Lacerations or Wild Fleshrending

On gear stats: I stack Crit, Mastery and Vers - with Vers being the one you need for PvP

@Packsie they are all for Feral, in the original format - just plug them in, put three buttons one for each macro - I put dps (cat) on the first button - bear (general defense) on the second - and DEE (immediate all out heals and defense) on the third. I key bind them all of course. You dont put Primal wrath anywhere, it should be listed in the macro’s commands already. Message me directly if it’s not and I’ll try and re-upload the macro (if the issue is on my end) - that said first try re-installing it.

@mickycala @Ironvolt ty I am glad you like them :slight_smile:

1 Like

@Stephen_b wow, I dont think I can live up to that kind of praise.

To everyone, please, dig in to the way this is written and see what you can do to make it better!

I am a night elf, so I dont have Shadow Meld the Panic button, but if you are a Tauren then be sure to add War Stomp (your racial). Also, Troll druids are pretty good with Beserk too :slight_smile:

Thank you very much. Gameplay is so much better now. I used to use my mouse to click every action button and that was very boring. Again thank you.

@Breezy467_11623 yes, like I said in the very first post, you can use these as bear with cat backup

“3B_Bear is now 3322132 if using cat as the back-up, or 3332132 if you arent going to use the kitty form and go straight Bear spec with it.”

tho the subtext of this all is being a feral, and all of my answers to azerite traits, essences, and gear are based on that :slight_smile:

You might want to review the initial post is all … not trying to be a jerk about it but it may help you!

edit: sorry Breezy, I was answering someone ELSE that had sent me a PM and thought since you were the most recent poster that it was you … it went to my regular email so I made assumptions, and I apologize.

In replying to that PM it ocurred to me that I had made a change to DEE a long time ago and am not sure if it ever got posted so here it is!


Usage Information
1322231 in 3B_bear: 1322123 in 3B_cat: 3332132 almost always tho

3 button auto-pilot for pvp: free-form melee shapeshifting between bear, cat, and panic buttons. One macro for each: 3B_Bear, 3B_CAT, and 3B_DEE.

This macro contains 1 macro version. This Sequence was exported from GSE 2.5.8.

Macro Version 1

Step Function: Sequential

Pre Macro: Thrash

KeyPress: Bear Form

Main Sequence: Stampeding Roar, Ironfur, Demoralizing Roar, Barkskin, Lunar Beam, Incapacitating Roar, Frenzied Regeneration

KeyRelease: Regrowth

Post Macro: Survival Instincts

`Preformatted text`

Notably I added Lunar Beam and the talent that it takes to use it - it’s functional for a slot that wasnt very useful. It will only proc if you are in Bear spec, but dont worry about keeping it in the macro - the macro will just ignore it if you are kitty spec at the time…

For PvP particularly I often will use Typhoon instead of Mass Entanglement (the fourth talent) if I am in Nazjatar near the bases, like for the CTA, because you can knock people off the ledge with it - or it can be useful in some BG’s fo the same reason

IF someone falls to their death because you knocked them off it does count as a kill btw :slight_smile:

So if you have used these, note that the automatic use of Wild Charge, tho it can be a pain, is set up to trigger specific effects immediately after it - to really lock down the enemy that gets hit with it :slight_smile:

And another note: the Stampeding Roar ability is downright OP in pvp if you have the “PvP Talent” that breaks you and ALL of your teamates out of stuns … be sure to use it! There’s a reason I want it to proc asap especially when I am in a big group.

one of the best macros no lock ups and veary good healing it is active all time gg any update ?