3 Button Gladiator DPS Raiding Macro

 First post, so I hope I dont screw up formatting! This is not a single button macro. This is a 3 button macro that I made, not to be lazy, but to maximize dps on boss fights. Especially works well on boss fights with a lot of movement. I found that on all of the single-button macros, I actually lost a little bit of DPS because it would sometimes skip over Shield Slam or Revenge a few times in a row, but had a really nice gain with my current set up along with much more raid awareness from never having to check my action bars or keep track or my mouse cursor. 
 I do not have charge or intervene included because with them included, I found myself yo-yoing around fights when I didn't want to be and thus not having a charge ready when I needed it. I also left out Bloodbath, Dragon Roar and Storm Bolt because most fights require you to use them during specific time and not just spam them. Also, AOE just involves using Thunder Clap on CD. If you want to make a separate macro to use Heroic Strike while Thunder Clapping, just copy one of the parts of my 3 part macro and replace the ability (Devastate, for example) with Thunder Clap. Personally, I just hit Thunder Clap when I need to. 
 Now, an explanation of what this macro actually is: Gladiator Warrior DPS is about as simple as it comes. You have Shield Slam and Revenge for rage-builders, Devastate as a filler and Heroic Strike spam as a rage dump. The problem I was having during movement fights is that I had issues spamming Heroic Strike as I was moving around AND using Shield Slam, Revenge and Devastate on CD.It also uses Shield Charge and Berserker Rage on CD no matter which of the 3 buttons you are pushing. This 3 button macro incorporates Heroic Strike into your 3 main abilities. I use TellMeWhen to keep track of all of my abilities and CDs to avoid glancing at my bars.

– Gladiator Warrior Single Target
Sequences[‘ShieldSlam’] = {
PreMacro = [[
/cast [combat] Berserker Rage
/castsequence reset=10 Shield Charge,heroic strike
/cast heroic strike
‘/cast Shield Slam’,
PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14

– Gladiator Warrior Single Target
Sequences[‘Revenge’] = {
PreMacro = [[
/cast [combat] Berserker Rage
/castsequence reset=10 Shield Charge,heroic strike
/cast heroic strike
‘/cast Revenge’,
PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14

– Gladiator Warrior Single Target
Sequences[‘Devastate’] = {
PreMacro = [[
/cast [combat] Berserker Rage
/castsequence reset=10 Shield Charge,heroic strike
/cast heroic strike
‘/cast Devastate’,
PostMacro = [[
/use [combat]13
/use [combat]14

 That is it! About as simple as it comes. I personally use the mouse to move and change direction. I have Charge set to 1, Shield Slam to 2, Revenge to 3 and Devastate to 4. Thunder Clap is on 5. My CDs like Pummel, Demoralizing Shout, Last Stand, Shield Wall, Bloodbath, Dragon Roar/Storm Bolt, Spell Reflect, Vigilance, and Intimidating Shout are set to my Razor Naga mouse buttons and Q, E, R, F and C. With this set up, I don't have to keep track of my mouse cursor and never actually have to click an ability. 
 I Charge in, Shield Slam Macro, Revenge Macro and simply Spam the Devastate Macro until Shield Slam or Revenge is up again. Use Cooldowns and Thunder Clap as needed. I guess if you really wanted to set the 3 Macros to mouse buttons and just hold them down depending on which one is up, you could do that too. I hope this helps some of you out. Enjoy!

TX Joshua,

Works great for me.
Keep the good work up.



I cant get your macro to Work :frowning:


nvm I got them to Work :slight_smile:
