So hello there. I’ve been fiddeling and tried alot of diffrent ways to get a 3-in-1 script but after what AHK people say with that many keybinds and modifiers it was not happy with it and would lock up.
So I made 3 sepereate scripts that can run at the same time.
You can change Keybind and speed easy.
I have a toggle on / off for the simple reason of wanting to type normally so I just toggle the script off when I’m done running a key. If I do not have a toggle typing “hey” to someone in my case turns into “heeeeey”
The toggle keys are behind the script name, so for Keybind1(F9) you press F9 to turn it on or off. You get a small tooltip on your cursor telling you if its on or off and it will be there only for a second.
F9, F10 and F11 are the keybinds.
The file:
It will have a readme file aswell, but the main edits are also listed here.
Keybind1(F9), Keybind2(F10), Keybind3(F11) are the names of these.
In my case Keybind1 = q, Keybind2 = e and Keybind3 = c
This is easy to change if you right-click on the script.
Right-Click on the script Keybind1
Find where it says Keybind1 := “q” (Its on the second line) and change the “q” to whatever key you want. So lets say you want it on 1. This part would then look like:
Keybind1 := “1”
Keybind2 and Keybind3 is exactly the same.
To change the speed you edit this:
Speed := 100
Right-Click on the script Keybind1
Find where it says Speed := 100 (its on line 3) and change the 100 to lets say 250.
It will then look like this:
Speed := 250