[3K-IO] Updated 24/07 TWW PRE PATCH READY

Luckily got this one a very fresh DK managed to get legendary so commited as you can see no tyrannical so it’s been a heavy week farming since the drop.
Fantastic macro.

chipping away at them this morning before wow decided to kick everyone

May I ask at what ms are you using this please?

130ms is the sweet spot at 30-33% haste*

Though I’ve modified mine a lot to have heart strike and death strike on modifiers

This was an 18 with bad DPS

You can shoot me the string or copy raw input, so i can add on my profile for everyone

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Why would u run a 18 with 480 ilvl tho? xD

Because it’s my first week of tyrannical

Go to raw edit and copy your modifications so i can see! And paste here

Ive inboxed you mate, easier that way then its your credit still

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if ya guys got update pls post it. My only modification is alt to pop anti magic zone and ctrl to death grip. Any other suggestions?
/cast [mod:ctrl,nomod:shift/alt,@mouseover,exists,harm,nodead] Death Grip; [mod:ctrl,nomod:shift/alt,@target,exists,harm,nodead] Death Grip
/cast [mod:alt,@player] Anti-Magic Zone
You can use above commands for stun too. It’ll cast [spell] on mouse-over if u have one, on your target if you don’t have mouse-over

Btw I’m looking for a way to cast Raise Dead on @mouseover without having to press modification key. Like you just mouse over your healer and wait for runic power and bam, healer’s alive

/cast [@mouseover,help,dead,combat] Raise Ally

put this last in macro variables

I’ll suggest use on addon called Clique, with that you can click on a spell and set to use as hover(player or enemy).

hi, is the default version 1 the one that you are using in m+ and 2 is raid (default) I see no mods in version 1, I seem to be skipping on death and decay so it’s no up a lot more likely I am running to quick? 100ms
1 more thing, are these talents for both raid/M+?
thanx mate love your work

Death and Decay works the problem is if you got 2 charges it uses them both one after the other so i manually press them.

do you guys press the button as fast as you can, use an auto clicker or wait for each gcd and then press

Some will use macro programs come with their mouses like Razer or Logitech. Or you can use AHK script.

UPDATE: Added talents for Raid ST and Raid AoE

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