4.2 Warlock - Affliction Lazy Macro

Thanks Jay S for the feedback, I will check into it as soon as I can.

Hello Jay S, I just tested both macros on an 85 Warlock with 349 item level on the raiding dummy and it does about 10.5k dps. In a dungeon might be a different scenario if the mobs die faster than your Damage over Time (DoT’s) spells do damage on them.
Make sure you got the right reforging, enchants and talents, there are plenty of sites that would guide you through all of those.
I did a small change on the shadow bolt version that It wouldn’t matter because it was not working in the beginning, which was the lower trinket got cut off by the character limitation.

I figured out my error I apologize it was a simple mistake. as far as mobs go I manual cast for mobs, the macro just help me by being able to look at other things like my health and where I’m standing instead of what spell I’m clicking now or next or watching my dots constantly. I’m able to hit 12-15k roughly with my Warlock and its current specs.

Hi Jay S, is cool that you figured it out. It is nice to have more freedom and less stress when you really have to have a lot of coordination and macros really help on these situations. I’m glad your doing great damage with the macro! =)

Thank you so much for this, amazing! I modified it a bit for PvP… Please let me know what you think, and if you can make it better.

/castsequence [mod]Drain Soul;reset=target Curse of the Elements,Bane of Doom,Corruption,null
/castsequence [nochanneling] reset=target Fear,Haunt,Unstable Affliction,Drain Life
/castsequence reset=60 Soulburn,Demon Soul
/use 13

Hello, you welcome n00b. It seems to be the smart thing to do in removing those spells and putting the Fear spell. I might have to try it and see if there’s any problem with lock ups. If it works pretty good we can include it on the list!

Thanks n00b for your contribution, I will add the pvp macro to the list. :slight_smile:

Sweet, thanks Luis, been working great for me! I thought about using Bane of Agony instead of Bane of Doom, but Bane of Doom has be dropping some nasty crits. For stats i suggest 4% hit > Haste > Crit . Sum nasty shizzz :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Awesome job thanks Luis. I find it very tough to play through multiple keybinds like alot of folks would. You have made the game so much more enjoyable. TYVM.

Hey Castlesaint, I’m glad that I can help. There’s many people in your same situation that have increased their fun in the game with these macros. Thank you for letting me know how much you enjoy it.