5.1a Guardian style

Ok after pulling out what little hair I have left this is my macro for 5.1a.

Note this does not have Incarnation and blizz has stated that some spells will fail if cast with a / command and Incarnation is on that list. Saying that I went and dumped it and picked up Soul of the forest. It’s an odd call swapping defence for offence but look at the macro it is geared towards synergy. If mangle gets 3 people with beserk and also gets extra rage generation u get more spells cast like savage defense. Worked out really well in lfr havnt done it in hard yet but I will saturday and will report back.



/castsequence reset=3 Swipe,Lacerate,Swipe,Thrash

/castsequence Mangle

/cast Savage Defense

/cast Berserk

/cast Survival Instincts

/cast Might of Ursoc

/cast Heart of the Wild

/cast Wild Charge

/use 13

/use 14

@John Mason: Ty i got it.


I am aware of this issue that’s why it’s not in the macro. Son of ursoc is but its just a buff anyways. This works for 5.1a.

Here is my rendition of the macro I’m currently using. It’s a bit of a tweak of John Mason’s with a few added things. My ilevel is 387 (pvp gear) and sitting at 85 atm. Im sustaining between 17-18k dps on a dummy and haven’t had a chance to test it in mop dungeons yet so feel free to test it out and give any feed back. The only downside is that you’ll rarely hit full 100 rage, but, i’ve never rage starved yet and i have a potion of rage just in case.


/castsequence [mod]Faerie Swarm;reset=3 Lacerate,Swipe,Thrash,Mangle

/cast Incarnation: Son of Ursoc

/cast Mangle

/cast [combat]Berserk

/cast Maul

/cast Enrage

/cast Wild Charge

/castsequence reset=10 Savage Defense,Frenzied Regeneration,Survival Instincts



you’ll need superduper macro as it goes a tad bit over 255. feel free to leave any feedback




Just wondering if any of you have problem with Enrage it does not seem to work in the macros i have tested.

Enrage no longer works for me in any spot in the macro either. Thinking of using a second hotbar for it.

yeah alot of their hotfixes broke alot of things. I quit playing my drood shortly after posting my macro in favor of working on finishing get my pally geared up. Won’t be long before 5.2 hits and we’ll be at this again. Was working one up in the ptr, but, alot of stuff is broken still.

I’ll try to hop on later tonight before raid or after and see if I can manage to get it working. like MJ said we may have to put it in a separate button. Don’t want you guys to get “too lazy” lol j/k

This is my multi - hotbar set for Guardian and everything works. Made this for PVP but I see no reason to change anything for PVE.

Talents are Wild Charge, Nature’s Swiftness, Faerie Swarm, Incarnation, Mighty Bash, Heart of the Wild.

Glyphs are Barkskin, Maul, Nature’s Grasp, Grace, Stag and Aquatic Form.

Single target Hotbar 1

/castsequence [mod]Maul;reset=target Lacerate,Thrash,Lacerate,Faerie Swarm
/cast Mangle
/cast Savage Defense
/cast Wild Charge
/cast [combat]Berserk
/cast [combat]Barkskin
/swapactionbar 1 2

Hotbar 2

/castsequence [mod]Maul;[combat] reset=0.3 1,2,Enrage
/castsequence reset=0.3 1,Nature’s Grasp
/castsequence reset=0.3 Bear Hug
/swapactionbar 2 1

AOE Hotbar 1

/castsequence [mod]Maul;reset=target Swipe,Thrash,Swipe,Faerie Swarm
/cast Mangle
/cast Savage Defense
/cast Wild Charge
/cast [combat]Berserk
/cast [combat]Barkskin
/swapactionbar 1 2

Hotbar 2 same as above.

Incarnation etc - press twice for both abilities to activate.

/cast Might of Ursoc
/cast Incarnation: Son of Ursoc

Nature’s Swiftness Heal - instant heal

/castsequence Nature’s Swiftness, Healing Touch

Nature’s Swiftness Brez - rez on mouseover or if a target is selected will rez that target instead.

/cast Nature’s Swiftness
/cast [target=mouseover,help][target=target]Rebirth

Oh crap button

#showtooltip Survival Instincts
/use Fel Healthstone
/use Master Healing Potion
/cast Frenzied Regeneration
/cast Might of Ursoc
/cast Survival Instincts


Hi guys and gals,

First off love the site, work, community its all great. Secondly, I need help!

My goal is to make a macro set that is multiform for lvling and gathering on my guardian spec druid. Here is what I have so far;

In no form and flight/travel form;

/cast [combat][stance:4] Cat Form
/cast [nocombat][stance:0] !Flight Form
/cast [nocombat][stance:0] !Travel Form
/cast [nocombat] [stance:2] Prowl

*idea here is to switch from no form to flight/travel form and from flight/travel form to prowl or if in combat to cat form.(druid is lvl 86 atm so flight is not most important.)

In Cat Form;

/castsequence [nocombat][noharm] reset=combat !Prowl,null
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/castsequence reset=target Faerie Fire,Mangle,Rake,Mangle,Mangle,Mangle,Rip,Bear Hug

*goal with cat form is to do a nice chunk of dps with one rotation, DoTs up and switch to bear form.

In Bear Form;

/castsequence [nocombat] reset=combat/1 Flight Form,null
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/castsequence reset=target Faerie Fire,null
/castsequence [combat] reset=0.3 Mangle,Lacerate,Swipe,Thrash,Mangle
/cast [combat] Berserk
/cast [combat] Maul

*idea here is to stay alive, complete the kill, and switch back to flight/travel form.

I learned so much in making this, but clearly I need to learn much more.

Any and all help is greatly appreciated. ty

Hello Revol, looking good on the macros. In relation to the Bear form macro, although I haven’t tried it but from past experience I would suggest to increase the reset timer from 0.3 to something longer like 3 or more because I believe it would not have time to be past the first spell before it resets again cause is too short of timer.

If it was as a priority which is where we use 0.3 and what not, then each spell has to have it’s own castsequence instead of a long one like you did.

Also to clear up a bit the beginning of it to cast Flight Form instead of null and resets you can reword it this way to prevent toggle while flying and fall from hitting the key twice. But if you want to toggle then just leave it how you got it.

/cast [nocombat, nomounted, flyable] Flight Form

Have fun macroing!

I am not too sure why you would want to macro forms when they can all be hotkeyed. I use `, tab and q for bear, cat and flight respectively and once you get used to what button to press it becomes automatic. Prowl/Pounce is macroed to my main dps rotation.

The other thing is at level 86 I never had to switch to bear form to survive or complete kills. I did all my leveling in cat form from 85 to 90 and never used bear form once and when I did go bear I was tanking dungeons.

But apart from that your macros look good. You could even change the reset=0.3 to reset=target for the bear form.

Thanks for the suggestions guys, changed a few things around using the suggestions including /cast [nocombat, nomounted, flyable] Flight Form from Luis. Macro working better but still not totally reliable to cast travel form over cat form after mining a node, but no big.

The reason I want the one button macro is that I am the GM of 3 large guilds which I play via my 2 accounts at the same time, farming is my no think time! I like to recline in my reclining chair, mouse on my chair arm and keyboard on my chest, both wireless, 1 button is all I want and need to push! A true LazyMacro user here.

Always open to suggestions, feel free to make it better, better is always better.

Thanks again

[quote quote=5523]This is my multi – hotbar set for Guardian and everything works. Made this for PVP but I see no reason to change anything for PVE. Talents are Wild Charge, Nature’s Swiftness, Faerie Swarm, Incarnation, Mighty Bash, Heart of the Wild. Glyphs are Barkskin, Maul, Nature’s Grasp, Grace, Stag and Aquatic Form. Single target Hotbar 1 /castsequence [mod]Maul;reset=target Lacerate,Thrash,Lacerate,Faerie Swarm
/cast Mangle
/cast Savage Defense
/cast Wild Charge
/cast [combat]Berserk
/cast [combat]Barkskin
/swapactionbar 1 2
/startattack Hotbar 2 /castsequence [mod]Maul;[combat] reset=0.3 1,2,Enrage
/castsequence reset=0.3 1,Nature’s Grasp
/castsequence reset=0.3 Bear Hug
/swapactionbar 2 1
/startattack AOE Hotbar 1 /castsequence [mod]Maul;reset=target Swipe,Thrash,Swipe,Faerie Swarm
/cast Mangle
/cast Savage Defense
/cast Wild Charge
/cast [combat]Berserk
/cast [combat]Barkskin
/swapactionbar 1 2
/startattack Hotbar 2 same as above. Incarnation etc – press twice for both abilities to activate. /cast Might of Ursoc
/cast Incarnation: Son of Ursoc Nature’s Swiftness Heal – instant heal /castsequence Nature’s Swiftness, Healing Touch Nature’s Swiftness Brez – rez on mouseover or if a target is selected will rez that target instead. /cast Nature’s Swiftness
/cast [target=mouseover,help][target=target]Rebirth Oh crap button #showtooltip Survival Instincts
/use Fel Healthstone
/use Master Healing Potion
/cast Frenzied Regeneration
/cast Might of Ursoc
/cast Survival Instincts Enjoy. [/quote]


Good one Michael. Had to do a bit of tweaking though. Faerie swarm was spamming a bit too much for my tastes and put it in the mod instead of the maul and put maul on its own separate button and enrage is still not working from what i can tell. I have it on another button out of the way and i never see a cd timer start on it. other than that it’s good with all the exta macros. leaves less buttons to reach for lol.

I also tweaked the “oh crap button” added a couple of items that i can use since im an herby lol

/cast Frenzied Regeneration

/cast Might of Ursoc

/cast Survival Instincts

/cast Lifeblood(Rank 8)

/use Life Spirit

/use Fel Healthstone

/use Master Healing Potion


hope the feedback helps a bit


edit: i did some more testing and enrage does work in the macro as intended. for some reason my addon was acting up and had to reinstall it. so no worries until 5.2 comes out and breaks everything again lol

Thanks Relinquo for the feedback - I am a herbalist too but left those out so as not to confuse everyone. I am pretty sure Life Spirit and Master Healing Potion share the same CD but it is handy to have both in the macro just in cast you run out of one the other is there as backup.

I think I had Faerie Swarm like that specifically for PVP and the slow effect but yeah what you have done is good too. And glad to hear enrage works for you, after all that was the whole idea of getting it to work.


/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,Thrash

/castsequence reset=0.3 0,Swipe

/castsequence reset=target Faerie Swarm,null

/castsequence reset=5 Mangle,Lacerate

/cast [combat] Savage Defense

/cast [combat] Berserk

/cast [combat] Survival Instincts

/cast [combat] Might of Ursoc

/cast [combat] Heart of the Wild

/cast Wild Charge

/use 13

/use 14


hey guys. so i have tried using a few of these macros and i dont know if im doing something wrong or what but i just cant seem to get my damage up over 15k on a target dummy. i dont have the best gear. but i do have enough that i can get into heroics. but with only doing 15k damage to a dummy im a little nervous about tanking a dungeon.

anyone have any ideas?

Testing on the dummy have a look at what abilities are not working by looking at the Combat Panel of your chat frame while using the macro. Also hotbar all the abilities in the hotbar above your main hotbar and keep an eye on them to see what CD’s are being used and which are not working. This will give you an exact idea if it is all working or not.

Take a note of what is not working. Also remember that you are generating less rage testing on a dummy because you are not getting hit. But apart from that I am doing 45k dps on the dummies single target rotation at ilvl 488, if you have ilvl that is just entry level then you probably won’t get past 25k dps and that’s only an assumption.

This is still rough and I’m just modifying a macro from my hunter. See what you guys think. All the instant casts with cooldowns are on the priority list in order of importance of mangle > Faerie Fire > Thrash > Swipe. All of these build rage and do not cost rage. To spend rage just press anything and continue to spam the button. You could even set it up so shift mod would cast maul and ctrl mod would cast a defensive skill. This way you’re controlling what rage is spent where. I’m doing this on a lvl 30 druid guardian so there’s a lot of possibilities for change here. I don’t have enrage yet to test, but I’d probably just put “/cast enrage” in another line and see if it’ll work.

I’ve tanked two instances with it so far. I easily held agro through tab targetting. All abilities cast fine. I did 66% and 57% of the dps for the instances respectively.


#showtooltip Mangle
/cast [mod] Maul
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,0,Swipe
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,Thrash
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,Faerie Fire
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,Mangle
/cast Wild Charge

Here is my updated one. works like a charm. Will if you’re still using the old one, try this out.

/castsequence [combat,nostance:1]Bear Form(Shapeshift); [stealth]Ravage,null
/castsequence [combat] reset=0.3 0,0,0,0,0,Might of Ursoc
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,0,Berserk
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,Maul
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,Mangle
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,Incarnation: Son of Ursoc
/castsequence [mod]Disorienting Roar;reset=10 Mangle,Lacerate,Swipe,Thrash,Faerie Fire
/use [combat]!Enrage
/castsequence reset=10 Savage Defense,Barkskin
/cast [nocombat,nostealth]Prowl

[quote quote=5667]Here is my updated one. works like a charm. Will if you’re still using the old one, try this out. #showtooltip
/castsequence [combat,nostance:1]Bear Form(Shapeshift); [stealth]Ravage,null
/castsequence [combat] reset=0.3 0,0,0,0,0,Might of Ursoc
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,0,Berserk
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,Maul
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,Mangle
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,Incarnation: Son of Ursoc
/castsequence [mod]Disorienting Roar;reset=10 Mangle,Lacerate,Swipe,Thrash,Faerie Fire
/use [combat]!Enrage
/castsequence reset=10 Savage Defense,Barkskin
/cast [nocombat,nostealth]Prowl [/quote]

If I can remember I’ll take a look at it tonight. Rerolled on a different server and haven’t touched anything in awhile on my main server, but, i’ll try to take a look at it.