Ok after pulling out what little hair I have left this is my macro for 5.1a.
Note this does not have Incarnation and blizz has stated that some spells will fail if cast with a / command and Incarnation is on that list. Saying that I went and dumped it and picked up Soul of the forest. It’s an odd call swapping defence for offence but look at the macro it is geared towards synergy. If mangle gets 3 people with beserk and also gets extra rage generation u get more spells cast like savage defense. Worked out really well in lfr havnt done it in hard yet but I will saturday and will report back.
/castsequence reset=3 Swipe,Lacerate,Swipe,Thrash
/castsequence Mangle
/cast Savage Defense
/cast Berserk
/cast Survival Instincts
/cast Might of Ursoc
/cast Heart of the Wild
/cast Wild Charge
/use 13
/use 14