I am by no means a macro writer. I have taken what you guys have done and sat in front of a target dummy till I got the desired effect. The case sequence is from Maxdps.com. This doesn’t include many things i’m sure and that is why I’m here.
/targetenemy [noharm]
/castsequence reset=0.6 0,1,2,3,Frostbolt
/castsequence reset=0.6 0,1,2,3,4,5,Frozen Orb
/castsequence reset=0.6 0,1,2,3,4,Nether Tempest
/castsequence reset=0.6 0,1,2,Icy Veins
/castsequence reset=0.6 0,1,Incanter's Ward
/castsequence reset=0.6 0,Ice Barrier
I realize that the format doesn’t follow any rules that I can see, but like I said I sat in front of a target dummy till I got the desired effect. If you try this you’ll need the extended macro addon.
I bound this to a key and manually set off Frostfire and icelance as they proc. I don’t know if theres a “cast this when it procs” command I havn’t found it yet.
I’m posting this here to share it and maybe get some suggestions on it. If I change the format I can tell you all my mage will do is act like she is having an epileptic seizure. Please can anyone help improve on this? or give me any suggestions?