Hello folks i wanna share my macro for ret pala its one button macro with single+aoe u can try this one or maybe u can found some better sollution
My profile:
iLVL: 548
spec: RET - PVE
talents: 1/1/1/3/2/3
this macro is fully tested by me on dummy:
Single target: Training Dummy: 130K DPS (without CD burst dmg)
Single target: Raiding Training Dummy: 100K DPS (without CD burst dmg)
#showtooltip Avenging Wrath
/castsequence [nomod]reset=combat/5 !Seal of Truth,null
/castsequence [mod:shift]reset=combat/5 !Seal of Righteousness,null
/castsequence [nomod]reset=0.4 0,0,0,0,0,Templar's Verdict
/castsequence [mod:shift]reset=0.4 0,0,0,0,0,Divine Storm
/castsequence reset=0.4 0,0,0,0,Execution Sentence
/castsequence [nomod]reset=0.4 0,0,0,Crusader Strike
/castsequence [mod:shift]reset=0.4 0,0,0,Hammer of the Righteous
/castsequence reset=0.4 0,0,Exorcism
/castsequence reset=0.4 0,Hammer of Wrath
/castsequence [nomod]reset=0.4 0,Templar's Verdict
/castsequence [mod:shift]reset=0.4 0,Divine Storm
/castsequence [nomod]reset=combat/30 Judgment, Inquisition, Judgment, Crusader Strike, Templar's Verdict, Judgment, Crusader Strike, Templar's Verdict, Judgment, Crusader Strike, Templar's Verdict, Judgment, Crusader Strike, Templar's Verdict
/castsequence [mod:shift]reset=combat/20 Judgment, Inquisition, Judgment, Hammer of the Righteous, Divine Storm, Judgment, Hammer of the Righteous, Divine Storm, Judgment, Hammer of the Righteous, Divine Storm, Judgment, Hammer of the Righteous, Divine Storm
/cast hammer of wrath
/cast [mod:alt] !Avenging Wrath
/cast [mod:alt] !Guardian of Ancient Kings
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]