[5.4.8] RET - Paladin by Unknown (Single+AOE one button macro)

Hello folks :slight_smile: i wanna share my macro for ret pala its one button macro with single+aoe u can try this one or maybe u can found some better sollution :slight_smile:

My profile:
iLVL: 548
spec: RET - PVE
talents: 1/1/1/3/2/3

this macro is fully tested by me on dummy:
Single target: Training Dummy: 130K DPS (without CD burst dmg)
Single target: Raiding Training Dummy: 100K DPS (without CD burst dmg)

#showtooltip Avenging Wrath
/castsequence [nomod]reset=combat/5 !Seal of Truth,null
/castsequence [mod:shift]reset=combat/5 !Seal of Righteousness,null
/castsequence [nomod]reset=0.4 0,0,0,0,0,Templar's Verdict
/castsequence [mod:shift]reset=0.4 0,0,0,0,0,Divine Storm
/castsequence reset=0.4 0,0,0,0,Execution Sentence
/castsequence [nomod]reset=0.4 0,0,0,Crusader Strike
/castsequence [mod:shift]reset=0.4 0,0,0,Hammer of the Righteous
/castsequence reset=0.4 0,0,Exorcism
/castsequence reset=0.4 0,Hammer of Wrath
/castsequence [nomod]reset=0.4 0,Templar's Verdict
/castsequence [mod:shift]reset=0.4 0,Divine Storm
/castsequence [nomod]reset=combat/30 Judgment, Inquisition, Judgment, Crusader Strike, Templar's Verdict, Judgment, Crusader Strike, Templar's Verdict, Judgment, Crusader Strike, Templar's Verdict, Judgment, Crusader Strike, Templar's Verdict
/castsequence [mod:shift]reset=combat/20 Judgment, Inquisition, Judgment, Hammer of the Righteous, Divine Storm, Judgment, Hammer of the Righteous, Divine Storm, Judgment, Hammer of the Righteous, Divine Storm, Judgment, Hammer of the Righteous, Divine Storm
/cast hammer of wrath
/cast [mod:alt] !Avenging Wrath
/cast [mod:alt] !Guardian of Ancient Kings
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]

Ive been having a problem with this macro it seems to never fire off Judgment or it rarely dose strangle it depends on the mob any ideas?

also what kind of macro addon are you using? I have macro toolkit and this macro cuts off at the 1024 but yours still has a lot left

im using super duper macro from curse :slight_smile: