Has anyone figured out a great dos macro for frost, I am at 555, and just barely doing over 200k and normally doing just 180k.
I updated my 1-button-all-in-one recently, where I removed defensive CDs and upped dps. As long as you don’t expect this to place 1st in heroic SOO, it’s pretty damn good:
#showtooltip Frostfire Bolt
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/castsequence reset=combat/5 Ice Lance,Arcane Brilliance,Alchemist's Flask,Crystal of Insanity,null
/castsequence [nopet]reset=0.3 0,0,0,Summon Water Elemental
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,Incanter's Ward
/castsequence [combat]reset=0.3 0,Frozen Orb
/castsequence reset=target/5 Living Bomb,Frostfire Bolt,Ice Lance,Frostfire Bolt,Ice Lance,Ice Lance,Frostfire Bolt,Living Bomb,Ice Lance,Frostfire Bolt,Ice Lance,Ice Lance,Frostfire Bolt,Ice Lance
/use [combat]Ice Floes
/use [combat]Icy Veins
/use [combat]Mirror Image
/run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
Just be sure to take glyph of Frostfire Bolt since it focuses on FFB and not Frostbolt. If you don’t want auto-tag,auto-buff or auto-summon-pet-if dead, remove the first two castsequence lines. And ofc if you prefer something other than Incanter’s Ward, remove that one. GL
I will try it out later tonight or tomorrow, looks good, any reason no frost bolt in the macro?
[quote quote=12157]I updated my 1-button-all-in-one recently, where I removed defensive CDs and upped dps. As long as you don’t expect this to place 1st in heroic SOO, it’s pretty damn good:
#showtooltip Frostfire Bolt
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/castsequence reset=combat/5 Ice Lance,Arcane Brilliance,Alchemist's Flask,Crystal of Insanity,null
/castsequence [nopet]reset=0.3 0,0,0,Summon Water Elemental
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,Incanter's Ward
/castsequence [combat]reset=0.3 0,Frozen Orb
/castsequence reset=target/5 Living Bomb,Frostfire Bolt,Ice Lance,Frostfire Bolt,Ice Lance,Ice Lance,Frostfire Bolt,Living Bomb,Ice Lance,Frostfire Bolt,Ice Lance,Ice Lance,Frostfire Bolt,Ice Lance
/use [combat]Ice Floes
/use [combat]Icy Veins
/use [combat]Mirror Image
/run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
Just be sure to take glyph of Frostfire Bolt since it focuses on FFB and not Frostbolt. If you don’t want auto-tag,auto-buff or auto-summon-pet-if dead, remove the first two castsequence lines. And ofc if you prefer something other than Incanter’s Ward, remove that one. GL
I tried this tonight and switch everything around to match it, and it was a dos lose really, I have the full t16 set, and I am not sure why this brought me down below 200k, ideas?
Good morning mages, so I reworked the macro, now this is to my liking and the target dummy was holding about 250-289k. I used your macro Chris, and then changed some things, tell me if this works better. My question is about the icicles and if you need to have a stack of 5 of all time, or just get rid of them, I am so confused with the frost mage changes.
Talent Build, 3,3,2,2,2,1
here is my current macro
#showtooltip Frostfire Bolt
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/castsequence [combat]reset=0.3 0,Frozen Orb
/castsequence reset=target/5 Living Bomb,Frostfire Bolt,Ice Lance,Frostfire Bolt,Ice Lance,Ice Lance,Frostfire Bolt,Living Bomb,Ice Lance,Frostfire Bolt,Ice Lance,Ice Lance,Frostfire Bolt,Ice Lance
/use [combat]Ice Floes
/use [combat]Icy Veins
/use [combat]Mirror Image
/run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
Thanks for this great macro. I never used macros before and been playing the game since vanilla Therefore my questions may seem a bit noobish
First of all, how do you deal with the early bomb refresh issue? I seem to get the early refresh message quite a lot. My second question is how to use the macro; that is, do you just click the button throughout a fight? Do you use any fillers or anything else in between? Is it better to click manually on frostfire procs (or other procs? or just keep using the button? Overall, I would appreciate it if you could explain how is the macro best used. Again, thanks for the macro and thanks in advance for your response.
Thank you for all the hard work and macros for frost, however, I am racking my brain on how to get the best dps macro for frost. I have ice lance and FFB on their own macro, and running with living bomb most of the time, anyone have any ideas, I am freshly out of what to do.
I really appreciate the macros on these threads since I am new to frost. I have tried all of them on test dummies though and can’t begin to approach the dps you folks are achieving. My iLvl is 551 (luckily my main has the legendary cloak). I have no tier set bonuses and no cloak on this toon and on dummies I only use arcane brilliance and frost armor, but I still think I should be hitting higher than 125-130k dps. Many lower geared toons do much better than I do in raids. What could I be doing wrong? Thanks.
Yes, I agree with you procter, I was thinking the same thing, I have been 562 and pulling 225 or 228 tops, and I am thinking I am doing something wrong with the macros.
I’ve had an ongoing love/hat…no, genuine dislike for my mage for several years. Primarily because I can never get the damage out of her that I think she should be able to do (my hunter is a hard act to follow). I’ve tried just about every macro here to varying degrees of no avail. Last night I finally took my monk macro and wiggled it around for my mage, and I did improve her DPS by about 60k. I’d love for someone to look it over and tell me how I can improve it.
#showtooltip Frostbolt
/castsequence [nopet]reset=0.4 0,0,0,0,0,Summon water Elemental
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,0,Frostbolt
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,Frozen Orb
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,Frostfire Bolt
/castsequence reset=5 Living Bomb,Frostbolt,Ice Lance,Frostbolt,Ice Lance,
/cast Icy Veins
/cast Mirror Image
/cast Incanter’s Ward
I’m glad you guys are finding these macros to your liking and you are all welcome to feel free to make changes and share with others. However you guys have to remember that most of these macros won’t put you on top of the dps charts and results may vary due to ilvl, gemming, reforging, tier bonuses, gear stats and what not. I’ve seen some ppl with 510+ilvl complain that their numbers dropped and others with around 496 topping the charts because of their setups. Other than that most of these macros ppl share do get the job down even though your dps won’t always top the charts
This is true, but I’m sure most of us only compare our damage to others that are relatively close in ilvl etc. I know one of the problems I have is not knowing which order is optimal in skada for instance. I’ve been playing with my macro and I now end up with something like Frostbolt>Icicle>Water Elemental>Living Bomb>Frostfire Bolt>Ice Lance>Frozen Orb (high to low damage after about 5min on a dummy). If I knew the order I should end up with, I could tweak the macro to get me closer to it. Before I couldn’t even ‘find’ Icicles, for instance, at which time I was barely doing enough damage to kill Hogger
I didn’t have much success with these macros and my macro kit kinda gave me greif. But I did end up with a couple macros I fell in love with.
(For alter time with Icy veins proc)
#showtooltip alter Time
/cast Icy Veins
/cast Alter Time
/cast Mirror Image
For the Instant casts when fingers and FF bolt procs. It will stop casting if Frostfire isn’t instant and will move on to the Ice Lance
#showtooltip Ice Lance
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,Ice Lance
/castsequence reset=0 0,Frostfire bolt
This is the macro I use for ranged aoe, its been giving me grief tho because I have to click it a couple times before it responds to my commands. and seconds is DPS Lose
#showtooltip Blizzard
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,Blizzard
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,Freeze,Flamestrike
Meele Ranged AOE macro, Freeking love it and its toally killing on the charts plus the Nova kinda helps CC
#showtooltip Frost Nova
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0, Arcane Explosion
/castsequence reset=0 0,0, Cone of Cold
/castsequence reset=0 0,Frost Nova
And finally My single Target Rotation Macro (Not including CD’s or Procs as they are listed earlier)
#showtooltip Frostbolt
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,0, Frostbolt
/castsequence reset=0 0,0,0, Presence of Mind
/castsequence reset=0 0,0,Frost Bomb
/castsequence reset=0 0,Frozen Orb
If you like living bomb you can always take frost bomb out(Will not work if you replace frost with living sorry)
I’d love to hear of any tweaks or suggestions to these macro’s. Smooth gameplay is my goal, and max DPS is my goal