5.4 Guardian Macros for Single and Aoe with O'Crap macro

Hi all,

I have been working on tweaking the macros for everything and I think that I have finally come up with some pretty good ones. I am only a 522 bear Tank but I have been able to splice some macros together that actually put out some pretty great damage while keeping all your defensive’s up as well. I hope these work for you all. Single in Flex and LFR I am pulling around 70-90k Single and 130-180 AOE. The thing that you might want to change if you have different issues is looking at your Latency Mine is usually around 60ms so I use (reset=0.5) If you are higher than that and around 90 use (reset=0.9) do not exceed that or the macro will not work.

Bear Single Target:

/castsequence reset=target Savage Defense,null
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,0,0,0,Faerie Fire
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,0,0,Maul
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,0,Lacerate
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,0,Thrash
/castsequence reset=0.5 0,Mangle
/castsequence reset=5 Mangle, Thrash
/cast [combat] Frenzied Regeneration
/cast [combat] Savage Defense
/cast [combat] Berserk

Bear AOE Targets:

/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast Mangle!
/castsequence reset=0.4 0,1,Thrash
/castsequence reset=0.4 0,Swipe
/castsequence , SWIPE, SWIPE

O’Crap Button:

#showtooltip Survival Instincts
/use Healthstone
/use Master Healing Potion
/cast Frenzied Regeneration
/cast Might of Ursoc
/cast Survival Instincts

Might of Ursoc Macro: Hit this twice to get the full use.

/cast Might of Ursoc
/cast Incarnation: Son of Ursoc

My current tree is:

Thank you and I hope these work out for you.


So escuse me for what may seem like a stupid question,but how do you get more than 255 characters in a macro?

On the face the macro seems sound but I can;t seem to get it in,

So … yeah … found Macro Toolkit. Imagine my surprise when I typed "how the hell do I get more than 255 characters into a WOW macro’ into Google and I got a good answer? :slight_smile:

@ Lee Bussy

Sorry for the late reply, but yes you would need a macro toolkit of some kind. I hope they work out for you :slight_smile:


Okay GTG so far (and thank you for posting them!). I found a reference to using Sound_EnableSFX on and off when running a macro to get rid of the “I don;t have enough rage”, “I can;t do that yet” litany … but I think I’m doing it wrong because sometimes it does not work at all, sometimes Macro Toolkit will not let me save. Any advice?

@ Aennor,

It has to be a t the beginning and the end of the macro such as the example below. Hope this helps.

/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
<strong>(MACRO HERE)</strong>
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide();
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1

Thanks Beef, I’ll give that a go. Gotta pay the bills but tonight it’s on!

So can I take that to mean that I can count on a macro finishing, even if individual lines generate an error?

@ Aennor,

That last line in there for the errors should make it so u actually don’t get any. I know that i don’t even use the /console Sound_EnableSFX at all so I just take it out.



Not sure I understand your build…3,2,2,3,4,1

Whats 4?


@ Coop,

Sorry about that, but ty for pointing that out. It is actually 3 not 4. So my spec now that I have been messing with it is as follows is 3,1,1,2,3,1 Sorry for that. Still using same macros just changed a couple things for better mitigation build.


AoE seems to not be working. Doesn’t use Thrash or Swipe


Try this man. I know this works as well because I had to make some changes, I thought that I uploaded them but I guess I didn’t. Apologies but this should work for you and make sure when you are spamming this that you keep tabbing or selecting different targets in the aoe mobs.

/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast Growl!
/castsequence reset=0.4 0,0,2,Barkskin 
/castsequence reset=0.4 0,1,Thrash
/castsequence reset=0.4 0,Swipe
/castsequence MAUL, MAUL


Aoe revamp:

/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast Growl!
/castsequence reset=0.4 0,0,2,Barkskin 
/castsequence reset=0.4 0,1,Thrash
/castsequence reset=0.4 0,Swipe
/castsequence MAUL, MAUL