I am trying to find or build a macro that allows me to use 1 button to cast both Mutilate and Dispatch.
I want it so that i can use Dispatch when it procs and Mutilate the rest of the time.
I currently use:
#showtooltip Mutilate
/cast Mutilate
/cast evasion
#showtooltip Dispatch
/cast Dispatch
/cast evasion
There is alot of spamming going on.
I have tried to no avail:
#showtooltip Mutilate
/cast Dispatch
/cast Mutilate
/cast evasion
I do not use any addons for macros, just /M.
I am lvl 100.
Any help, even telling me it cannot be done, would be much appreciated.
Can’t be done. There is no way for the macro to check a conditional such as if a proc is up. Since you don’t seem to mind the majority of your rotation being manual, and just need help keeping track of stuff, you may want to look into the weak auras addon. It allows you to make ‘reminders’ that -can- be smart and use conditionals. So when your ability procs, something will pop up, or flash, or make a noise so you know to hit whatever other skill is needed.
However if this is something you really want to macro, is dispatch only available to cast when there is a proc? If that is the case a simple GS macro will work.
Sequences['Dispatch'] = {
PreMacro = [[
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
‘/cast dispatch',
'/cast mutilate',
PostMacro = [[
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide();
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1
That macro will try to cast dispatch everytime other time it is pressed, if it isn’t available, it will cast mutilate every other time it is press. So if you spam it, you will end up casting dispatch everytime it is available and mutilate when it is not.
^^^SRY man thats bad info^^^
But it did force me to read the comments page on the GS download page.
TIP read from last page backwards.
After much trial and error i found something that works; (well enough for Sir Spamsalot)
Sequences[‘mutilate2’] = {
/cast dispatch
/cast evasion
/cast mutilate
/cast evasion
Sequences[‘mutilate1’] = {
/cast dispatch
/cast mutilate
Yes, they cycle on every button press, but that’s the best I can find/make.
I would attach my word doc with all my trial and error notes, but I cant, or cant figure out how.
I’m done here… I hope this helps others.
Is this code out of date? I tried the mutilate dispatch macro and it didn’t work, other macro’s are working on this site just not this one.