6.0.2 Brew Master

Hey everyone, as of right now everything is all crazy and chaotic! I’ve been trying to make some BM macro’s just to have a sense of having the macros again! I’ll post my Single Target and AOE Rotation here! Give it a try! Tell me what you think! Suggestions are welcome! =)

Single Target

/targetenemy [noharm] [dead]
/castsequence Keg Smash, Jab, Jab, Guard, Chi Wave, Expel Harm, Jab, Jab, Blackout Kick, Blackout Kick,   Jab, Keg Smash, jab, Jab, Blackout Kick, Jab, Jab, Blackout Kick, Keg Smash

AoE Rotation

/targetenemy [noharm,dead]
/castsequence reset=8 Keg Smash, Jab, Jab, Guard, Rushing Jade Wind, Breath of Fire, Chi Wave, Jab, Keg Smash, Breath of Fire, Rushing Jade Wind, Blackout Kick, Jab, Jab, Blackout Kick, Jab, Rushing Jade Wind

Not real sure if you just put this up wrong or what but it does not work for me. Anything need to be done? certian macro program ect ???

Hmm, I’ll take another look and edit it. Thank you.


I’ll post the macro right here…

Single Target:

/targetenemy [noharm] [dead]
/castsequence Keg Smash, Jab, Jab, Guard, Chi Wave, Expel Harm, Jab, Jab, Blackout Kick, Blackout Kick, Jab, Keg Smash, jab, Jab, Blackout Kick, Jab, Jab, Blackout Kick, Keg Smash


/targetenemy [noharm,dead]
/castsequence reset=8 Keg Smash, Jab, Jab, Guard, Rushing Jade Wind, Breath of Fire, Chi Wave, Jab, Keg Smash, Breath of Fire, Rushing Jade Wind, Blackout Kick, Jab, Jab, Blackout Kick, Jab, Rushing Jade Wind

Depending on your haste, some spells will take a little bit to send off, but all the spells should be really good, one after another, if the energy is ready!

Sorry for the confuzzlement!

I try these macros and they just dont work. it starts then freeze up. im still looking for a good monk tank macro.

this does not work for me either i am energy starved and it locks up alot

[quote quote=16528]*Update

I’ll post the macro right here….

Single Target:

/targetenemy [noharm] [dead]
/castsequence Keg Smash, Jab, Jab, Guard, Chi Wave, Expel Harm, Jab, Jab, Blackout Kick, Blackout Kick, Jab, Keg Smash, jab, Jab, Blackout Kick, Jab, Jab, Blackout Kick, Keg Smash


/targetenemy [noharm,dead]
/castsequence reset=8 Keg Smash, Jab, Jab, Guard, Rushing Jade Wind, Breath of Fire, Chi Wave, Jab, Keg Smash, Breath of Fire, Rushing Jade Wind, Blackout Kick, Jab, Jab, Blackout Kick, Jab, Rushing Jade Wind

Depending on your haste, some spells will take a little bit to send off, but all the spells should be really good, one after another, if the energy is ready!

Sorry for the confuzzlement!


Could you try sharing your talents and glyphs? That maybe the reason we are having difficulties with the macro you have worked very hard to share with us. Thanks a lot!

i just did a quick test on my monk and it worked fine. both single and aoe